4 - Routes

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[A/N Ohmygoodness I never expected to get a lot of views and ohmygod. I'm really sorry for not updating for freaking months since I was busy with school and having continuous pre-college existential crises. I forgot the sequence to this story and it's been ages since I last wrote a story so this is gonna be really crappy. But I did my best. Thank you, guys!]

It has been days since you met your roommate Marco Bott. School is creeping up so you and Marco have been preparing for it. Both of you have been coming back and forth from the flat to the school, and from the school to the shopping center to buy food, and school supplies that is mainly for Marco because he was in Belgium the whole week . You though it was a great time for you to get used to the house and the routes. Marco realized it was a great time to know you.

"So, [f/n]," Marco started as you two were searching specifically for green plastic folders, "how old are you exactly?"

"Huh, why did you ask all of a sudden?", you asked. You looked at him when he didn't reply and saw him staring at you, and you realized.

"Oh yeah, right," the roommate interview, you thought to yourself. You coughed and continued searching for the folder "Well, I'm 18, born in [birth date]."

"I see, I was born in June 16 on Belgium," he said, he pulled out a green folder, "Ah, found it!" he waved it at you.

"You got anything else to buy?" you asked as he put the folder into the push cart.

"Well, I can't remember anything else," he answered and grinned, "How about you?"

"Nothing. I got everything covered... I think." you replied sheepishly.

"Okay, then. Let's go!" he pulled the push cart with one hand and the put the other in your upper back. He saw you tensed up at the little friendly act and apologized, "O-oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"N-no, no. It's alright!" you waved it off and smiled shyly, he nodded okay and tilted his head towards the cashier. You nodded and walked, and he followed after you. You and Marco paid accordingly, left the grocery and walked home.

Marco is really adorable telling you the little things about the places and shops you encounter on your walk home.

"Oh, I remember seeing a friend here in tears because he got rejected by a girl." he pointed out the garbage can, "He got his portfolio, got the drawing that was meant for the girl, crumpled it and threw it in that trash!"

"Ouch. That must've sucked."

"Yeah. It took him hours to draw the portrait. When he saw my friends and I watching him, he went to us with a very red face."

"Woah. Did he punch you?"

"I thought he was going to!" he laughed, "But instead he said-", he coughed a bit and tried his best to imitate his friend's voice, "'Don't you guys help me about this. I don't care about Mikasa anymore!' and he walked away. "

You laughed at how funny his voice sounded, "That's one tough friend!"

He laughed harder, "Oh, I don't think so. After that, he called me around 10pm, of course I pretended to be mad at him after what he did to us. But then I heard his voice on the phone and it was very shaky and he was sniffing! He was like-" and once again tried to copy the shaky voice of his friend and added the sniffing,

"'Dude, help me'

and I was like, 'I thought you didn't need our help?'

'Dude, you saw me throw the drawing in the trash right?'

'What? You want it back?'

'YES!' by this time he was really crying now.

But I'm still standing strong, 'I thought you didn't care about Mikasa anymore?'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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