1 - Arrangements

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You went home after the deal with Hannah and told your parents about it. They were a bit skeptical at first because you had to live separately from them but eventually agreed.

"You know you had to cook your own food, right?" Mom asked

"Uh-huh" you nodded.

"You know you're pretty terrible at cooking, right?"

"Hey, my cooking skills isn't that bad!" You defensively answered

"That was a rhetorical question." Your mom said

"Just make sure you don't eat these instant noodles for like... Everyday" Your dad added

"Don't worry, I'll ask my roommate to cook for me." I grinned and gave them a two thumbs up. They sighed and facepalmed in unison.

"Hey! Don't depend too much on your roommates" Dad said

"Who is your roommate by the way?" Your mom asked, "What's she like?" Your dad crossed his arms. They were pretty protective because you're their only child and you understood them.

And then it struck you. Yes, you do know Hannah but she isn't your roommate, she's just your broker. You didn't even bothered to ask the name of your future roommate. She didn't even asked questions about you and your lifestyle! You turned around and started to search for your bag. Dang it, you just had to go with Hannah being your roommate. "I-- uh... Her name is Hannah Dea-- Hannah Diamond-- no, Dea-- dang it! Hannah Diamant!" You finally got it, "Her name's Hannah Diamant."

"Aaand?" your dad said, raising an eyebrow, expecting for more detailed information about Hannah.

"She's nice." You knelt down and stretched an arm under your bend and felt your bag and dragged it towards you, "Aha!"

"She's nice." your mom repeated.


"She's going to be nice because she needs someone to split bills with."

"Mom, first impression lasts," you quoted. You stood up and hugged your parents, "I'm going to be fine. I have her number." They hugged back and you gave them a little squeeze before untangling in the hug.

"Please take care of yourself, [f/n]. There's a big world out there." your mom said holding your left arm.

"I will, mom" You smiled sincerely and nodded. Your dad took your mother's arm implying to leave your room and guided her outside.

"And practice your cooking skills, sweetheart!" your dad added before closing the door.

You laughed and turned your back against the door, looking at your bedroom

In about 3 weeks, school will now start and this is going to be a half empty space. You sighed and went on with packing up your stuff.


It took you a week to pack up your stuff. Main reason being constantly distracted by your stuff that you had when you were a kid giving you nostalgic feelings. You took some of your favorite books with you and took down some posters hanging in your wall and also took some things that has a sentimental value for you like your wooden cat that you and your best friend that already passed away made and put them all in a box. And sending them to your future house. You also hanged out with your friends saying that you should have a farewell party. You and your friends had some road trips and basically eating different types of food when you guys found some food stalls and fast food chains. That's pretty much a party for you.

While laying on your bed, daydreaming, you received a text from Hannah

'Hey [f/n]! Just want to let u know that your box of stuff is here :D'

Roommates Marco Bott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now