2 - Welcome

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It's already sundown before you get finish with your room and for some reason, Marco the roommate doesn't seem to reply to your one and only text. You decided to cook some food for you and Marco. Which turned out okay-ish. Not-bad-when-you're-hungry-and-tired-okay. You're scrolling down in your different social medias as you eat. Heck, you even took a picture of your food for instagram! You decided to stalk on Hannah's social media in hopes of getting a bit of information about Marco the roommate. No luck. But you did find out how cute a couple Franz and Hannah are. They even had this picture of Hannah doing CPR to Franz in one of their emergency training. You washed your plate and put it to the dish rack and the wooden floor creaked as you went to sit to the couch trying your best to look normal and then standing up and saying 'Oh, hi! I am [f/n l/n], you must be Marco, right?' then cringing then sitting down trying again. And this went on for minutes.

'Good evening, you are Mr.  Marco, right? My name is [f/n l/n]. I'm from [hometown]. I wish we could get along.'
Too formal!

'Hey. Must be Marco, huh? Nice to meet'ya. The names [f/n]. I'll go back to my room now.'
I sound like a douchebag!

'Hi, I'm [f/n]. We're gonna be gooood friends! Best friends, even. I can feel it!'
Ugh. Too annoying.

Then it gets ridiculous. You tried to be a Spanish, and then you tried to play a Beethoven's music and saying 'welcome to hell'. You tried crab walking towards the door and thought of chasing the room mate on all fours. You tried doing the Samba while introducing yourself. And you're doing a lot more things that would probably ruin your future friendship with Marco the roommate forever. And you were laughing at yourself like a freaking maniac rolling on the floor and pressing your arms in your stomach like you're holding on for dear life. And oh my goodness you swear to yourself you're going to scratch your face if there's a hidden camera around the house so you frantically searched the house for cameras still but laughing like there's no tomorrow. You then ended up in your bedroom like a freaking drunk running around in circles and then passing out on your bed.

You're not even fucking drunk.


Criiiiiiing! Criiiiiing!

Your phone muffled the annoying chime of your alarm. You groaned and tried to feel for your phone extending your arms to different sides of your bed like making a snow angel while your eyes are still closed. But you stopped too when the alarm stopped ringing.

After five minutes your phone let out another annoying screech of alarm. You groaned again and groggily opened your eyes scanning your bed, bedside table, and study table. And you realized that your phone is in the dining table. Damn it. You sat up from your bed and finally stood up, went outside your room and went to the dining table. You tapped the stop button and your phone immediately stopped chiming.

What the everliving firetruck happened last night? Oh. Yeah. Right.

You checked your phone and received 5 new messages last night. You opened it and it all came from Marco. Frick! Your felt your heart skip a beat.

'Hi :) I'm Marco Bott. I'm sorry I just received ur text, I can't find signal in my phone. I hope u r fine with the house. Is Hannah still there with you?'

'Hello? Your name is [f/n], right?'

'[f/n ľ/n]? Right?

'I'll be there in a few hours, it's okay if you don't wait for me, if you're waiting bcos its already 2am'

'I bought donuts hehe :)'

And that's it. Your heart is pounding hard. Oh my god he must be here. You scanned around you and there's no sign of any person around. But there's a box of donuts. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. He's here he's here ohmygod.

You went back to the living room and searched around. He's not there too. You tiptoed as you tried to silently go back to your bedroom, you tried your best to tiptoe lightly but you knew you failed as you heard a creak under your toes. Frick. You started to run towards your room. It's more like hopping, in fact.

You heard another creak and you felt your body slam to a man. You fell on your butt and rubbed one buttock in circles. Your nose scrunched as you look up at the person. He's wearing pants but he's not wearing any tops.  There's a towel over one shoulder and you can see the well-toned abs and fairly large shoulder muscles. Oh my goodness, you thought. The scrunched nose in your face faltered and was replaced by awe. Your eyebrow raised and mouth slightly opened. You can see the concerned and scared look in his face.

"Hey! Are you alright?! I'm so sorry I wasn't looking!", he nervously said to you trying to get you up by pulling your hands but you won't move. He crouched trying to shake you a bit.

"I'm not looking at your abs!", you suddenly exclaimed, getting out of your little dream. You were looking at his abs. Because damn-- no! [f/n], you pervert! Your face became warm and red.

"What?", his eyes went down on his own body and gets surprised as if he didn't know he wasn't wearing any shirt. "Oh!" he said trying to hide his body in his arms. You stood up on your own and he did too. He hurriedly went back to his room and you heard a slam of a closet door and then he went back outside still a little flustered.

"I'm so sorry for bumping on you and not d-dressing inappropriately!" he exclaimed.

"No! No! It's alright, it's my fault. I was running and I didn't watch where I was going," you said waving your hands, trying to brush off the incident. You lowered your head not trying to make eye contact, "And, uh, sorry that I accidentally said something inappropriate." you added whispering.

Marco got redder, "N-no! It's alright." trying to brush it off too.

"But you really do have nice abs though." you added, still trying not to make any eye contact with his brown orbs

Marco felt his heart beat faster, "Um, thanks" smiling sheepishly.

Silence. You two were just standing there. What should you do next? Ah, yes, get to know him better! But oh my goodness, are you two going to be good friends after that incident? Screw it. But. Yeah. Screw it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it.

"We can eat the donuts in the kitchen!" you and Marco simultaneously blurted out. Both of you widened your eyes. You put your hands over your mouth. Marco laughed and smiled sheepishly once again.

"I can feel that we will be good friends." he said. He has a cute and warm smile. You nodded shyly and walked to the kitchen and he walked beside you. You looked at him and saw him still smiling but quickly lowered your head again when he looked at you. You heard him chuckle.

I think this going to be fine, you smiled to yourself.

Roommates Marco Bott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now