Chapter 1: Alleys

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In a city called Lucella, a teenage girl named Shelby was at the Alleys to arrest a wolf and racoon, named Willow and Rash. Her good friend and partner, Doggy came along with her to arresrt them. Shelby had a battery, and sprinted to Doggy to give to him.

Shelby: Here, Doggy.

Doggy: Thanks.

Doggy spotted Rash, and started chasing him with his tazer. Doggy stopped, and tazed the criminal. Rash dropped his crowbar, and dropped to the ground. Shelby and Doggy stared at him.

Shelby: Is he gonna be okay?

Doggy: I don't think so. We should get to the exit.

Shelby: Good idea.

The two made their way to the exit, and saw Willow sprint to the door, and locked it behind her.

Doggy: Darn it! She locked it!

Shelby: We could try kicking down the door,

Doggy: Actually, that's not a bad idea.

Shelby: Okay, when I count to three, we both kick the door. One, two, three!

They both kicked the door, and the came down right away. Willow stood there, surprised.

Doggy: I can't believe that worked.

Doggy: Anyway, Willow, you are under arrest for stealing food and other supplies from all over the city!

Willow's heart dropped, she tried to make an excuse for stealing.

Willow: I was only trying to feed my family, please!

Shelby: You know the laws, Willow. I'm sorry.

Rash showed up behind Shelby and Doggy with his crowbar, about to attack them. Willow sighed, and put her head down.

Willow: Stand down, Rash. It's not worth it.

Rash was surprised as well, he lowered his head, and his shoulders dropped.

Rash: What? Why? They'll take us away!

Shelby and Doggy turned to face the racoon.

Doggy: We'd rather do that than take you out.

Rash: Grrr...You haven't seen the last of us!

Shelby: This really doesn't feel right.

Doggy: I know what you mean. Unfortunately it's the way things have to be.

Shelby: But...isn't there anything we can do about it?

Doggy: We all have a role to play, Shelby.

Doggy: We do things because we have to, not because we want to.

Doggy walked away, Shelby stood there.

Doggy: Now let's get out of here. Are you coming, Shelby?

Shelby came back to reality from her flashback. She missed Doggy. Good times, she missed being a cop. Doggy had been infected, back at the forest. Shelby was at The Safe Place with her friends, Pony, Zizzy, Mimi, Giraffy, Zee, Zuzy, (Zizzy's sisters) and George. George was playing tag with Zee and Zuzy.

Zuzy: Come on, George! Why can't you keep up with us?

George: I'm one pig against two zebras, what you expect?!

Pony noticed, Shelby thinking about the flashback, and wasn't paying attention to her friends.

Pony: Well? Are you coming?

Shelby: Huh? Where?

Mimi walked over to Shelby.

Mimi: Remember that old radio we found from one of our supply runs?

Shelby: What about it? Can we get it working?

Mimi: Yep! We just need to find some batteries for it.

Zizzy: Pony and I are going to the store to get some. Did you want to come along?

Shelby: Sure, Let's go!

Shelby was still thinking about herself when she was a cop. She was an indepentent cop until she had met Doggy.

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