Chapter 3: Refinery

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Shelby and Pony arrived at the Refinery, The Silver Paw's base. There were old cars surrounding the building. At the top of it, it read: Settlement 6 Refinery.

Shelby: So, this is where they took Zizzy. Have you been here before?

Pony: No, I don't recognize this place at all...Either way, we can do this.

Pony: But watch out, Shelby there must be guards everywhere!

Shelby cut the fence blocking the enterence, and made her way inside. She was cautious, keeping an eye for guards. She walked into a cafeteria, and nearly jumped when she saw a male fox guard wearing a grey barret, black wristbands, blackish pants, and a grey shirt. He held a weapon in his right hand. Shelby tried not to trigger him. She grabbed the key sitting at one of the tables.

Shelby: *whispereing* That was a close one.

She made her way to the red-key lock, and unlocked it. There was a female ginger cat wearing the same grey berret, but black gloves, and a dress. Shelby walked upstairs, and ran into Pony all of a sudden.

Shelby: What are you doing here?

Pony: Helping you save Zizzy of course! Why else would I be here?

Shelby: I dunno, I just didn't know you were helping me.

Pony walked over to a vent. Across from it was a female black and white cat with the same uniform as the ginger cat.

Pony: Got any carrots? I could jump into this vent and make a distraction with one!

Shelby: Why would I have a carrot?

Pony: *sigh* Just find one. I'm sure there's one around here.

Shelby found a fire extinguisher, and had an idea. She took it downstairs to distract the ginger cat. She set it off, and the smoke started to mess up the ginger cat's vision. Shelby walked across, and grabbed a screwdriver. She took it back to the cafeteria, and unlocked it. She found a blue key, she remembered seeing a blue-key lock upstairs. She rushed upstairs to unlock it.

Shelby: Hmm, maybe this room has a carrot in it.

She unlocked the blue-key room, sadly, she didn't find a carrot, but she did find a yellow safe. an orange key sat next to it.

Shelby: I don't remember seeing a orange-key room, must be something for later.

Shelby looked at the green key on a shelf, she grabbed it.

Shelby: But I do remember seeing a green-key room.

She walked over to the green-key room, and unlocked it. She gasped when she found a yellow key.

Shelby: Hey! I know where this goes!

Shelby rushed to the other room, and unlocked the yellow safe as soon as possible. There was a carrot in it! She rushed to Pony.

Pony: Hey, you found one! I told you there was one around here!

Shelby: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just eat it.

Pony ate the carrot, and jumped into the vent. The black and white cat ran to it, confused. She stared at it. Shelby waved her hand in front of her, the cat didn't react.

Shelby: Uh, hello?

Shelby ran downstairs, Pony held a toy car that needed a battery. A coyote was guarding the crate Zizzy was in.

Shelby: What do you need now?

Pony: If I had a battery for this toy car, I could distract this guy and we can escape!

Shelby walked around and saw, a orange-key lock door. She sprinted back upstairs, and grabbed it. She sprinted back downstairs, and unlocked it. She found a purple safe, with a purple key next to it. She unlocked it, and found a white key. She unlocked the half of the escape. All she needed left was a screwdriver, green keycard, and a battery. She remembered seeing a battery at the enterence. She ran back outside, but saw a uninfected tiger holding two dual daggers. He started to chase Shelby.

Shelby: Great! Now I have to deal with this guy!

She sprinted to the battery and grabbed it, and ran back to Pony. The tiger was still chasing her.

Pony: Do you have the battery-

Shelby interrupted him in a hurry to give him the battery.

Shelby: *panting* Take it! Take it!

Pony put the battery in the toy car, and set it down. The car went past the coyote guard. He noticed it, and started chasing it.

Pony: We need the keycard and screwdriver! Do you know where they are?

Shelby: I know where the screwdriver is, but not the keycard.

Pony: Okay, I'll look for the keycard, while you get the screwdriver.

Shelby nodded, and ran back upstairs to the cafeteria, and grabbed the screwdriver, and then sprinted to Pony.

Shelby: I got the screwdriver! Did you find the keycard?

Pony: I sure did! But I don't know how to use it.

Shelby: Seriously, Pony? You litterally just swipe it!

Shelby swiped the green keycard in, and when the car went into it, the coyote ran to it, but it then closed on him.

Shelby: I can't believe he fell for that. 

Pony: Let's unscrew the escape and get out of here!

Shelby unscrewed the escape, and they found Zizzy, holding her fists up at an infected polar bear.

Zizzy: Pony! Shelby! It's so nice to see you again!

Zizzy: You won't believe the amount of infected I've knocked out today. I even started to enjoy doin it!

Pony: Zizzy! I'm so relieved to know you're okay.

Shelby: We should probably get out of here. They'll find out something went wrong here sooner or later.

Pony: You're right, we should definitely get out. Come on, Zizzy!

Zizzy: Ah, hang on. I think I may have pulled a muscle.

Zizzy looked at her arm, but there was a scratch.

Zizzy: Oh.

Pony: That's not...that's not from an infected, is it?

Zizzy: I...

Zizzy: You two need to leave.

Pony: We're not going anywhere without you. We can get you help!

Zizzy: What help, Pony?

Pony: We'll find a cure, we can save you!

Zizzy: If there was a cure, we wouldn't even be here, Pony.

Zizzy: You don't want to see me turn into one of them, so go.

Zizzy: I'll create a distraction and sabotage as much as I can while you escape.

Pony: Zizzy...

Zizzy and Pony hugged eachother, they both crying.

Shelby: Take care, Zizzy.

Zizzy: Good luck you two. I'll miss you.

When Shelby and Pony got back to The Safe Place, they were standing next to eachother with their eyes closed. They didn't say a word. Zee, Zuzy, and George walked up to them. Mimi and Giraffy wore worried expressions on their faces.

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