Chapter 5: Sewers

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After Willow had locked them in the stall, Zizzy's sisters, Zee and Zuzy lifted up the lid to the sewers. They had escaped from The Safe Place before the T.S.P. had try to manage to burn it down.

Zuzy: Hey-o! Quick, we need one of you to come down here and help us get this cell door open!

Shelby: I'll go. The rest of you should stay here so no guards get suspicious.

Shelby went down in the sewers with the twins. It was dark, and damp.

Shelby: Let's get that cell open and all stop Willow together!

Shelby walked around, she found a gear, she held onto that. She then found an ornage key then used it. A plank was needed to get to the screwdriver. She found the plank, and she was able to get across. She picked up the screwdriver and used it twice. Two geers were needed, she remembered finding one. She went back and used it. She found another, and used it. The gears emptied the sewer water that was blocking the downstairs. She found a blue key, then unlocked the door. Both of the twins met her there.

Shelby then saw an infected sewer gator, she sprinted away from it as it chased her. Then, Zee came up behind it, then knocked it out with her metal pole.

She saw a vent, and something was shining in it.

Shelby: I think I see something shining in that vent. I'll look for something that can help us reach in there!

Shelby found a yellow safe, and a yellow key. She used a key and found a mop. Maybe that will help. She thought. She went back to the twins, and Zuzy got on top of Zee's shoulders, and reached into the vent with the mop. She found a white key. Shelby forgot to unlock the red key room. She got that done, and unlocked it with the yellow key. The screwdriver was needed again, she got that done, and then she esacped.

Zuzy: You go on ahead, Shelby. Zee and I need to go back to The Safe Place and get some things. Good luck stopping Willow!

Shelby: Thank you, you two! Stay safe out there, and meet me outside of this place when you're back!

Shelby climbed up the ladder, and let her friends out of the stall.

Shelby: Come on, everyone! Let's go!

Pony: Where are Zee and Zuzy?

Shelby: They'll meet us outside. We need to go now.

They got out of the stall, and the same tiger from back at the refinery watched them. He was about to throw his dagger, but then refused. Willow saw, and stormed up.

Willow: Useless tiger. Looks like I'm gonna have to deal with them myself.

Willow aimed her revolver towards them. She had slight tears in her eyes.

Willow: This one's for you, William.

Willow shot the gun at Pony, but Giraffy block him, and it hit him instead.


Giraffy: I-I hope this is... enough to forgive me for Zizzy...

Pony stood by Giraffy.

Pony: It's more than enough, Giraffy.

Shelby was furious. Another one of her friends were gone because of Willow.

Shelby: Get him out of here, do what you can for him.

Shelby walked towards Willow.

Shelby: I'm tired of running, Willow. Let's settle this.

Willow smirked.

Willow: With pleasure. Let's dance, darling.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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