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Today's the last day of freshman year, summer holidays are starting. Sara was excited because this vacation meant peace and also a place for new horizons. This year was draining her in any possible ways and she decided to just stop caring too much this summer and live for the moment because it's when you stop caring that your life is really starting. However, Sara remembered that as an introvert, she had to make a lot of efforts and put her ego aside to finally open herself to the world even if she thinks everyone hates her. To do so, she wrote this summer bucket list to motivate her complete all her dreams and fears. She wrote basic tasks such as have a picnic at the beach, watch the sunrise or wander in the streets..she didn't wrote all her wishes but she deeply wanted some to happen but in case it won't she just let it in the corner of her head. Little does she know that it was just about to happen and she had to stay patient. Because Sara is known to be impatient even for little things and when it comes to her life, she's really disappointed because most of the time things don't work for her because somehow it wasn't meant to be or according to her, it was her the problem. Summer was passing by and nothing happened yet and it was almost august. It was frustrating to watch the others having fun on vacation while staying at home chilling was her daily routine. After a long day of listening to her favourite songs and writing on her diary, she decided to meditate and visualize what her life would look like if everything she wanted became true. Since this moment, she deeply thought that she had the power to attract anything she wants and just like magic this guy texts her on instagram. The notification appears with the name of « Dave » on it. Sara is stressing out because it's the first time a guy ever talks to her and she is simply confused. Why her specifically ? She opens the message and read:

- how do we know each other ? i keep seeing you on my suggestions but i don't know you.

She thought, -is he serious ? that's his pickup line! before answering him she make her research about him to kinda analyze this new main character who's going to enter in her life. Dave. Who is he? Apparently he is known as a huge player, but does she really have to judge a book by its cover ? Even tho the message was pretty self explanatory of his behaviour she wanted to give him a chance.

- i was asking myself the same thing. who are you?
- pardon me i was being rude for not introducing myself :) i'm Dave and you blondie ?

Sara literally rolled up her eyes (and me too). Pfft definitely a player. Let's still give him a chance maybe he's just being friendly ! (and you're being dumb sara but whatever huh!)

- i'm Sara, first time someone calls me blondie lol.
- how does it feel to be called like that blondie ?
- kinda pleasing.
- i'll make you feel that way everyday if you give me your snap :)
- mm.. okay add me then but i'm not really active so it's kind of a lost cause.
- don't worry, you'll become active very soon blondie.

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