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Sara is confused and decides to make some research about this Dave and she's not so pleased. Apparently, he is known to be one of the most popular player in the whole city. But the question is, why her ? When we think of it, Sara do not think of herself as someone attractive, she thinks she's basic and she kind of internalized the fact that nothing romantic happened with anyone yet. For some reasons, she was okay being single since forever but now that there's one year left before moving out to college, she's questioning herself about everything. And it's right, it's frustrating to see how loveless she's been. Maybe there was a problem with her appearance ? Even though, she lost a bunch of weight over the years and she's prettier now. So maybe it's because of her mindset ? But she's the most open minded and sympathetic person ever. So what was the real problem here ? She didn't felt confident and you could see it on her face that's why it was making her unattractive. But, how this Dave found her attractive among all those beautiful girls that he could get in any seconds? Maybe Sara was the perfect prey because she looked so calm and innocent that it was worth to dig a bit to know who she really is on the inside.
Funny thing, Dave was one of the closest friend of Ryan, Sara's best friend and she just discovered that. So, when she made her research, she asked Ryan if Dave was a safe guy to talk to. And he just answered by:

« honestly sara, Dave is the biggest fuckboy in the whole city don't even try he's not right for you. »

After these words, she had a gut feeling telling her to back off and go far away from this guy. But, this evil voice in the back of her head whispered:

« what if ? what if he was everything you wanted ? what if he gave you the love and pleasure you deserve and waited for all these years ? if you give up on him now, you will never know. »

She decided to back off. But since she's polite, she replied to every of his texts but with no intentions of playing at his game. Sometimes he would stop the conversation with nothing to say afterwards, but when she wasn't answering, he would always  make a huge deal about her leaving him on seen. It's like she got him on a chokehold and it was annoyingly funny to see how he was obsessed with her so rapidly.

After a week of talking with him, he asks her out on a date. But it wasn't a perfect date because he invited her to get high in the middle of nowhere. She had a weird feeling about it and called it quit. And of course, he got upset and took it personally. He told her he's going to travel with his family so he's not going to be active but we won't know if it's an excuse to say « i don't want to talk to you i'm going to have fun and not think of you standing me up. » And she was right because that's what he did. He did travel but he was so consumed by his anger that he decided to get high with his friends while she was silently living her life, thinking of him a little bit but not too much because it shouldn't matter.

why is he acting like a dick tho? getting high and sending her pics of him staying with other women. what is he trying to prove ?

While she's trying to forget the fact that they don't speak to each other anymore,  Sara decided to go out with Ryan and his other friends.

Remember when she said she didn't care about him acting like an asshole ? Yeah. Well, she almost drank the whole bottle of vodka and made out with the first time with a guy. Why so? Because one of Ryan's friend came and was talking about Dave like it was her soulmate or something. She just discovered how clueless she was, she felt adored and special for a moment but he still continues to talk with other girls and tell the exact same things he tells to her.

why. do. you. think. you. are. special.
you. are. just. a. girl. among. others.

after repeating this sentence a hundred of times in her head, she goes to a room and takes a pic with the guy she made out with in the bed and sends it to Dave.

He immediately answer and says:

- oh you got a guy there huh?
- yeah is it a problem?
- do whatever you want i don't care.
- that's what i thought.

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