Chapter 2 - Belgian Waffles

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"Mr. Cunanan! What do you think you're doing?!"

"Uhmmmm... No.. No.. Nnnnothing ma'am."

"You do know disrespect to teachers is an offense right? Do you want to do community service?!"

"N-no ma'am. I. Am. Sorry.", Ben said with an irritating voice of a principal

The whole class of that seemed to be quiet, the obedient kids bursted into laughter.

"Hahahaha! Nice one dude!" one said,

"Way to impersonate! Hahaha!" another one said,

"Nice punchline timing!" Said the one at the back,

Then Ms. De Silva's attitude became more strict.

"Enough!!! Mr. Cunanan, to the Principal's office, now!" The teacher ordered, "Class, wait for a few minutes while I accompany this dispectful student to the ultimate authority in the campus."

Then, she shut the door so hard that the maintenance man had to replace the newly-attached door knob with another one.

I looked at Crystal's rosy face and I noticed her laughing.

"Well, atleast I'm not the only one who's bad at first impressions." She whispered,

"You got that right. Hahaha! Hey! I'm Mark Anthony Castro, Mark for short. Nice to meet you," I said

"Hi I'm Crystal. Nice to meet you too! So, was that your friend who was sent to the Principal's office?" She introduced

"Yeah, he's a little badboy-ish so you'll have to excuse him for that"

"He's kinda cute though I can tell you that."

Her giggling was cute...

"You want me to introduce you to him?" I asked despite the bet

"Yeah sure, why not? It's a good start making friends this early in the school year."

"Do you like anime?", I said with hesitation

"Yeah. Why?"

"Oh nnnothing. Jjjust a thought.", I stuttered

Then I felt a sense of hope. I mean i felt like it was a good start. That our friendship could go smoothly. And that I would be a better friend to her than Ben and win the bet. *laughs like an evil warlock*

"Uhmm, what was that?", Crystal inquired curiously

"Oh nothing. Don't mind that."

"Were getting along, are we?", I reassured

"Yeah, I guess you're right"

"You wanna get some food at the canteen later? I could show you around the campus too if you'd like.", I asked

"Yeah! That's a great idea.", Crystal delightfully agreed

And then i exclaimed to myself
"Yes! Mark - 1  Ben - 0"

"So, you li-"

And then she cut me off

"Ohh shhh. Quiet Mark, the next teacher is coming, we'll discuss about this later, ok?", Crystal warned feeling concerned

First Class
8:00 am

The next teacher came in with nothing. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Well, besides his clothes that is.

"Good morning sir!", the class greeted with a smile

"Good morning class, I am Sir Villanueva. I will be your teacher in Computer for this school year. You may sit down class."

"Thank you Sir Villanueva!"

Well that explains why he didn't bring anything! He's a computer teacher! Cause all they need to use to discuss is a computer. It's a good use of technology I can tell you that! Hahaha xD

"So, what to expect in the Computer subject? We will be tackling different...", Sir Villanueva continued

"Oh look at Sir's pants! His zipper is open! Hahaha!", Ben giggled trying to hold in his laughter

Soon, the whole class realized it and started laughing uncontrolably.

"What is the noise all about?"

Then Sir Villanueva also realized his mistake and then put in this excuse.

"Uhm class, I forgot something in the faculty room. Wait here for a moment."

Then he quickly walked out the room feeling embarrased. And he never returned to the classroom that day.

9:00 am

*the bell rings*

"So, let's get something to eat downstairs?"

"Yeah, lets go!"

Then she took off, ninja style. I struggled to keep up.

"Hey! Wait up!", trying to catch my breath.

"Why? Haven't you been watching Naruto? It's so cool!"

Then for a brief moment, I felt a sense of excitement. I felt that we would get along just fine considering our match in interests.

At the canteen

"So, what do you want to eat? There are many to choose from"

"I think I'll go for the Belgian waffles, they seem delicious."

"Meh. Why not? I'll give it a shot too"

After we bought our Belgian waffles, we sat down at a table at the edge of the canteen. Then, I began interrogating here piece by piece.

"So, why did you decide to transfer here?"

"My mom decided to transfer me here 'cause you know, for a better future."

"What's your favorite color?"


"Favorite show?"

"Ohhhh... Naruto! Yeah! They're so cool with their ninja skills and of course that tasty ramen that Naruto likes. Hahaha!"

"Heyyy, me too! I love watching Naruto! They're the best!"

"Uhmmm.. Favorite hobby?"

"Collecting pokemon cards!"

"I have a whole lot of them, want me to show you?"

"Yeah sure!"

"I'll bring it tomorrow."

"Oh, I thought you brought it with you. Hahaha!"

"Uhm, what's that thing on your neck?"

"What thing? Does it look bad?"

"It looks like something slashed your neck"

"Oh, that's a knife scar. I got it when I was little. While me and my mom were at the market, a dude came up to me and just took me hostage. Talk about twists! My mom couldn't do anything. Practically NO ONE could do anything cause they were scared stiff. Good thing a police officer was near by and saw the action. He swiftly stroked his baton to the dude's head and the dude accidentally slashed the side of my neck while he was falling. Good thing it was not totally through my neck or I would have been killed!"

*the bell rings*

"Well, let's get back to the classroom now, I don't want to be late. AGAIN! We shall continue this later."

"And so we shall. Haha, yeah let's go."

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