Chapter 4 - No Classes!

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"Yes! Woooooooo!!!! No classes!", I screamed in enjoyment, unmindful of the other passengers.

This day couldn't just get any better! Made friends with a cool guy, met a cute girl, early dismissal, and no classes for a whole week! Felt sorry for the school though, I wondered how are they going to fix this problem?

I got off at the bus stop and went to the mall to window shop a bit.

Then, something caught my eye...

A 1000 peso bill, right in front of me!

I swiftly tried to grab it but then another person was thinking the same thing and our hands met.

As I looked up, guess who I saw? Yes. That's right. it was Crystal!

"Hey! Fancy meeting you here.", I acquitted

"Yeah, you too!", she replied

"Were you gonna grab that?", I asked even though I new she would. Pffttttt

"Yes, but it seems you were too."

"Why don't we just split it?", I suggested

"Ok sure!"

We looked for a store that would have change for 1000. Alas, there isn't any. Every store we walked in to either refused to change it, or they really didn't have any. We just sat down at the canteen and sighed.

"You know what? There is one more we could try."

"Where?", she asked

"The Cinema!", I exclaimed

We went to the cashier of the Cinema. The lady there, looking business-like as every other employee would, gladly greeted us.

"Good Afternoon Sir! Would that be 2 tickets to Cinema 3?"

I guess she thought we were a couple and coincidentally the movie in Cinema 3 is a romance movie starring the most famous love team of this generation. Gahddd

"Whaaatt? No no, we would just like to ch-", and then Crystal cut me off

"Yes! 2 tickets to Cinema 3 please!", she exclaimed looking super pumped

"What the hell are you doing? You really want to see this movie?", I whispered quite annoyed

"Well hey, what better way to split it is to buy something then split the change later?"

I really couldn't do anything anyway since we already bought the tickets and it was non-refundable. We went to buy some popcorn and drinks with the money we have left to accompany our hunger while inside the cinema.

She grabbed my hand and we rushed to the cinema, 'cause it was about to start.

"Let's go Mark! I wouldn't want to miss it!"

So anyway, while we were watching the movie, right at the climax, we saw couples kissing everywhere. Ugghhhh disgusting. But then, her head was leaning on my shoulder.

"Isn't this movie the best?", she said, starstruck by the film

"Uhmm yeah. Pretty good.", even though I hated it

And since her head was conveniently on my shoulder, I tried putting my arm over her shoulder. She didn't mind at all! I guess she let me do it, or she was too focused on the film that she didn't notice it. Either way, my heart was beating a thousand times faster than it should. Talk about right timing!

After the movie...

"Wow, wasn't that great? This surely was a lucky day for me!", she said

"Yes, me too. Indeed a VERY lucky day!"

"Well, here is your half of the money, and I'll guess I'll see you around. Thank you so much for accompanying me, even though its on short notice."

"No prob, at least we had fun right? Haha see yahhhh!"

By then it was 3 pm and I decided to window shop a bit. I came across dozens of shoe shops, basketball shoes that is. I just gotta have a pair. I am a self-proclaimed shoe nerd. I know everything and anything about the latest and outstanding performance shoes of today. I am so obsessed that I even write reviews on my blog!

So anyway, I came across this store, and then i see in the display, the latest shoe of the shoes' line, and its on SALE! It was on sale for 3995 and I asked if how many pairs are left in storage because I was planning to save enough money first. The saleslady checked the store's database.

"Hmmmm let me see. Uhmmm... Oh this is the last pair, the one on the display.", the saleslady said

I gasped in shock. I knew I just gotta have it before anyone else takes it. Problem is, my money is not enough. Sure, i still had 350 left over from the movie (which was totes awesome, not the film of course, duhh), and I had 100 in my wallet. Gahd, poor kid probs.

And guess who just happened to walk by? That's right, my newly found rich bestfriend, Ben.

I dashed over to him, non-chalantly, and greeted him.

"Hey Ben!"

"Hey Mark!"

"So, what brings you here?"

"Nothing, just, you know, no classes and all."

"Uhmm, could I possibly, uhmmm maybe..... Borrow 4000? Pleaseeeeee, I just really need to buy that shoe!!!", I asked despite the very very very slim chance

"Pffftttttt hahahaha", he laughed histerically

"Why o why?", I asked hopelessly

"Borrow? Pshhh I'll just buy it for you. Hold on I'll just withdraw from that ATM over there."

My jaw dropped to the floor. Yet again I was so thrilled and pumped that I was speechless and just froze in front of the store.

Meanwhile in my peripheral, I saw Ben pull out his Platinum Savings Card. He is rich as helllll!!!!

He came back and handed me, Four. Thousand. CASH. JUST. LIKE. THAT. I was still frozen and speechless as fuck. But I still managed to go to the display, pick up the pair, went to the cashier, and paid for it. I went to Ben (NOTE: Still frozen and speechless) and kneeled in front of him, bowing a thousandfold.


"Shhhh, no need for that, just promise me you'll do me a favor when I need it"

"Ok ok sure! Anytime!"

"Ok, gotta go now, see yah!!!"

"See yah and thanks again so much!!!"

I was so psyched to open the box that I quickly went to the bus station and rode a bus back home.

I looked like an obsessed fangirl waiting in line for concert tickets! But who the hell cares? I got me some new kicks!

As I went down the bus, I felt something unusual. Then, I started to hear thunderous things droppping. I looked to my right, and there it is, rain! I mean have you ever exeprienced that like from where you're standing its not raining yet, but you can actually see the rain coming towards you? That's exactly what that was. Its like the rain is catching up to me. I sprinted across the road, along the sidewalk until I found shelter in a nearby convenience store, and just in time too!

The Gamble of UnexpectednessМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя