Chapter 3 - Handkerchief

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When we got back to the classroom, I spotted Ben on his seat, like nothing happened at the Principal's office. Just the normal Ben before attendance this morning.

"Hey, what's up?", Ben acquited acting cool

"Meh. We just ate waffles downstairs."

"Waaaaaaiittt. Who's 'we'?"

"Me and Crystal, you know, the newbie."

"Damn, you got a headstart. Lucky for you I was at the Principal's office listening to Mr. Blabbermouth. I think that was the longest hour i've had in my entire life!"

"Hahaha! What did he say?"

"He let me off easy, since it was the first day and all. Oh fudge, its the new Math teacher."

Well, obviously the next subject is Math so the Math teacher came in with her hair in a ponytail and carrying a sweet smile on her face with the usual high heels that the female teachers wear.

"Good morning ma'am!", the class greeted joyfully

"Good morning class, I'm Ms. Delgado. I will be your Math teacher for this school year and I am looking forward to seeing your performance in my subject. You may sit down."

"Thank you Ms. Delgado!" , the class replied

Then everyone sat in an orderly fashion.

"Ok class, bring out your index cards and follow the format to be written on it on the board.", Ms. Delgado ordered

"Oh no. I don't have an index card. Do you have one dude?", Ben asked worriedly

"Nope. Sorry", I replied

"I have an extra one. You want it?", Crystal acclaimed while she overheard our conversation

"Yeah sure. Thanks! Crystal right?"

"Yes, and you must be Ben. Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too!", Ben replied

"I see you have introduced yourselves already, so I guess my services are not needed at this moment.", I added

"Are you some kind of butler or something?", Crystal jokingly said to me

"You got that right, hahaha!", Ben agreed

"Ahhhh fudge, could we just listen to the teacher and not talk about my needs for now?", I replied feeling pissed

"Hahaha okay.", Ben said

We got back to doing the format thing that Ms. Delgado told us to do.

Then, out of the blue, we heard the bell ring. The class was confused. It drew a big question mark on everyone's faces.

"Why is the bell ringing? It's not yet lunch time.", I asked

Smoke started to enter and envelop the room.

"Do you smell that?", I asked again

"Smells like-"

"Fire!", Crystal shouted

Then everybody started panicking even though they knew it was not the thing they were supposed to do.

"Everyone, please form a single file outside then briskly walk to the school field."

Nobody listened. Everybody started bolting for the doors, running as fast as they can, even Ms. Delgado!

With the large amount of students trying to fit through the slim doorway, some were left behind, and that includes me and Crystal.

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