Chapter 36

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{Chris's POV} 

I am sitting on the couch playing Halo with the sound turned down while Ophelia is still in bed sleeping moments later, I heard Ophelia coming down the stairs she came into the living room and joined me on the couch. I saved the game and rose from the couch I took out the game and turned off my Xbox One, I put my controller away and switched the TV off of video. I rejoined Ophelia on the couch and noticed she was staring at her engagement ring. 

"Baby what's the matter?" 

"It's nothing." 

"Are you having second thoughts?" I asked confused. 

"Of course, not I want to marry you it's just that yesterday when we went to see my dad and then when we went to see your mom, they both asked me the same question when's the big day. My dad seemed surprised when I said that you and I would like to enjoy being engaged your mom seemed surprised when I told her the same thing." Ophelia confessed. 

I wrapped my arm around Ophelia, she laid her head on my chest I kissed her forehead and held her close. 

"We're not in any hurry to start planning our wedding I think to save us the stress of planning a wedding I think you and me should just elope." 

"Would you really want to elope because I know you would like for your mom and dad to see you get married?" 

"I know you; you don't like to be the center of attention." I said changing the subject. 

"Chris, we're not talking about me I am asking you would you really want to elope?" Ophelia asked, reaching over and holding my hand. 

"It doesn't really matter where we get married because I have thought about eloping and not planning a wedding and stressing over making sure everything went right." I explained. 

Ophelia snuggled up beside me and laid her head on my shoulder I kissed her forehead. 

"We could have a small wedding ceremony with just friends and family." 

"I guess you're right," 

"Why do you want to elope because you're not the type to exclude your family or friends from anything." She pointed out. 

"You're right I never excluded my family or friends from anything that I've done." I replied. 

She released my hand and lifted her head from my shoulder I wrapped my arm around Ophelia, she leaned in and kissed me. 

"Babe, I don't want to exclude our family or friends from seeing us get married we can have a small wedding with just friends and family." 

"I think we can make this work with just a small wedding. But what about your fear of crowds?" 

"I'll be fine dealing with my issue with not liking crowds." Ophelia said. 

"Honey, the last time you tried to get over your fear you tried to host a party you ended up freaking out and hid in my office I ended up checking on you and found you sitting on the couch in my office crying." I pointed out. 

"I see your point, but I owe it to my father to see me marry the love of my life." 

"Well discuss this more later," 

Later on, that morning Ophelia and I put on our jackets and left the house we walked across the lawn to my car I unlocked the doors Ophelia, and I climbed inside the car. We put on our seat belts I put the key into the ignition and started the engine I reached over and turned on the heat I slowly backed down the driveway and drove away. When we arrived at my mom's house, I parked the car in front of the house I turned off the heater and killed the engine Ophelia and I removed our seat belts and climbed out of the car. We walked up to the house I opened the door and walked inside the house with Ophelia following behind me we removed our jackets and hung them up. 

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