Chapter 45

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{Ophelia's POV} 

The next morning, I am sitting on the couch using my laptop to check on my online store and noticed that my bracelets still haven't sold I heard footsteps coming down the stairs I glanced up from my laptop and saw Chris enter the living room. 

"Baby please come back to bed and stop worrying about your online store." 

"Babe, it's not solely your job to make sure that our family is taken care of I want to help provide for our family as well." 

I logged out of my online store and clicked out of the website I shut down my laptop and left the living room I returned my laptop to Chris's office. I left the room closing the door behind me, I returned to the living room and saw Chris sitting in the recliner. I walked over to him he gently slid me onto his lap I laid my head on chest. 

"I know how much you're one of a kind bracelet business means to you, but I can't sit here and watch you worry yourself like this. And before you even say that you're a failure I don't believe that you're a failure because after you were fired from your job you didn't sit around and feel sorry for yourself. You decided to try something new, and it work you were able to provide yourself, Esmeralda, and Christian." Chris said gently. 

"I want to help provide for our family because it's all I've know when I was fired from my job at the restaurant, I was told either find another job or find another place to live. I'm afraid of that happening again." I explained.

"I haven't kicked you out yet and I'm not about to do it now I know Christian told you if you didn't find another job, he was going to kick you out. But I am nothing like Christian, I am going to provide for our family because you and Esmeralda deserve to be taken care of." 

I lifted my head from Chris's chest and kissed him, he kissed me and brushed the back of his finger against my cheek. I climbed off his lap Chris rose from the recliner we left the living room and walked upstairs Chris and I entered our room he closed the door behind us I walked over to the bed and climbed back into bed. He climbed back into bed with me, I snuggled up beside Chris, he draped his arm across me I snuggled in his embrace. We drifted back off to sleep when I woke up my head is resting on Chris's chest, I lifted my head from his chest and noticed he was awake. 

"I love you." I smirked. 

"I love you, too." Chris smiled. 

I sat up in bed and leaned back against the headboard Chris sat up in bed and leaned back against the headboard with me, I climbed out of bed and walked towards the bedroom door. I heard Chris get out of bed and felt him scoop me up in his arms. I gazed up at him and giggled he looked at me and smirked. 

"Where do you think you're going?" 

"I was going to go downstairs because I'm hungry." 

Chris opened the door and left the bedroom he carried me downstairs and entered the kitchen he walked over to the counter and sat me on the counter. 

"What would you like for breakfast?" He asked. 

"I was only going to get a bowl of cereal." I replied. 

Chris helped me down from the counter I made myself a bowl of cereal and left the kitchen I entered the living room I sat down on the couch. I grabbed the remote off the coffee table and turned on the TV, I watched Cartoon Network while eating breakfast. When I was finished eating, I left the living room I took my bowl out into the kitchen and washed it up I walked over to Chris sitting at the table and kissed his cheek. 

"What's the matter?" 

"I was thinking about telling Esmeralda when she wakes up that she's not grounded anymore." 

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