Take me back to Hogwarts.

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"Harriet come on let's rest. We have been searching all day." Draco told me, as I looked at him as his young face looked at me as he used to when he was trying to flirt with me. "I need to find him, Draco. He is our son." I say as I start to shed tears from the hurt and tiredness I am feeling. 

Draco looks at me and wraps his arms around me and then tells me, "You are going to make yourself ill, darling. I promise we will get up early tomorrow morning and find him and bring him back home. I promise." 

I look up at Draco as he cresses me in his arms and then kisses me on the lips before I walk inside the Hogwarts castle and find a room to sleep in. 

-Draco's POV-

I wait for Harriet to walk upstairs so that I couldn't see her anymore, as I then turned to Harry.

"Hey Potter, we have to find him tomorrow." I say to Harry while sitting on the stairs. Harry comes over and sit down right next to me and then looks at me and says, "We will. I know how much my sister wants her son back."

I look at Harry and then I announce to him that it wasn't only Harriet that is missing her son. All of a sudden I then feel an emotion rise up towards me and have such low-self esteem of how I now look and how I wished I looked like this for Harriet all the time. I just felt like I had let her down. 


"Albus, what do we do now?" I whisper to him as Albus starts to shake in fear as Lord Voldemort starts to walk closer to him. I then start to shake in fear as well, not knowing what to do next or if we where going to survive this. 

Suddenly, I hear a sound of a crash and then hear a girl say, "Albus, Scorpious are you okay?" It was Delphine. Somehow, Voldemort had disappeared and vanished out of  thin air. Quickly, Albus and I ran out and helped Cedric up with Harry. It was so odd to see how my uncle looked when he was younger. 

As we all made it out of the maze and brought Cedric out I could see Harry keep looking at me and Albus. I knew he was confused, but so was I. I still had no idea what was even going on. The ringing in my ears started to hurt again and caused me so much more pain. It was like having a bad ear infection that just could not be  cured. I was in so much pain. 

My Slytherin Prince-The Curse of the ScorpionWhere stories live. Discover now