Chapter 3

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*** TAYLOR POV ***

Art, one of the GCSE classes I chose which is one of my worst mistakes
I've always loved drawing and painting but I'm such a bad drawer, I was just finishing a sketch of a mask I found in the classroom when Leo messaged me and told me he seen someone's video's on Facebook someone called Charlie, oh great what's he done now... Leo told me to go onto Charlie's Facebook and watch videos, apparently he's an amazing singer

I can't listen to anything right now while I'm in lesson, but in about ten minutes we can leave this room that has been filled with just one squeaky teachers voice to be heard

I watched his videos
But I didn't add him, he probably think I'm crazy if he went through my facebook, loads of random photos of me and my friends in school all down my feed


I was scrolling through facebook because this is what I do when I'm bored

one of my friends shared a few videos, it was a singer
someone called "Charlie Lenehan"

I watched his videos and thought he was great and messaged him

I had to tell Taylor about him

I told her everything she's like the best friend I've never met


Charlie messaged back saying that he liked my videos Aswell

He wanted to meet up

Diary Devries (Leondre Devries)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu