Chapter 16

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It's been 3 days since the thing with my dad happened

I tried running away from home
Stayed at my nans

But mum wanted me back home

Lewis already ran away and left for his girlfriend he hasn't spoke to us since

Now I want to leave

I hate my mum being upset

But what am I supposed to do im scared of my dad


Leo and char are doing their Twitcam today

I set up my laptop ran into the kitchen to grab my earphone and made my way up the stairs again

My phone lit up
Leondre was calling me

Reaching over to grab my phone I clicked the hang up button

Sugar I didn't mean to hang up

What does he want me for

I called him back

No answer

I have the boys notifications on
They tweeted the link to the twitcam

Quickly sat up again and refreshing my Twitter to get the link

They look so happy

They have a special guest


Leondre and charlie got out the shot and someone came on with a mask

Never been so scared

He just came out of no where

It was Joey

Yeah I knew that

Leondre and Charlie came back

The boys asked everyone for questions

I didn't send in many questions I don't want to be spamming my Twitter with them

And suddenly Leo just jumps out of his skin
He looked so suprised

Charlie looked at him like what

And then Leo tells us all

"I have the best chat up line in the world I made this up and charlie knows I made it up"

"What which one is it" charlie questions

And Leondre whispers to him

What is he on about what's so important about a chat up line

"I went on Instagram and there's this thing called the bamlovers"

After mentioning bamlover's I freaked
that's my Instagram

He doesn't even follow me

"They have the best captions in the world there's this one it's like a picture of me and charlie and the caption was know what's on the menu tonight Me-N-U"

Oh wow this just got embarrassing
I made a crappy little edit and now he's telling it to everyone

Diary Devries (Leondre Devries)Where stories live. Discover now