Chapter 18

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I never do anything good

Nothing that everyone would like or do

But this time it was for two of my favourite people and other fans actually liked the idea and joined help to trend


I hate having to keep secrets from Leo but this was one I had to keep to myself

How could I be so stupid and break our promise

I did it again

The cuts got deeper and it got harder to stop myself

"TAYLOR" Ben shouted as he came through the door

This means

How could I

Mum and Ben were both here to take me home
I rushed out of the bathroom and straight into my room... The spare bedroom.
Ben was there sitting in my bed

"What's up Taylor why you been crying" Ben asked

"Nothing I'm fine could you just give me a second to get changed accidentally fell asleep in these ones and you don't want me coming home all smelly do you" I told him with a little worried laugh in my voice

"Okay see you in a bit then"
And gave me a cute little smile before rushing down the stairs

I couldn't keep anything from Leo he always found out about everything
This time I won't not even the girls from Twitter

"Taylor I thought you wanted to talk come down or do I have to come up there"

I forgot all about talking to mum

Quickly grabbed my black skinny jeans with a rip at the knee and a white blue and red super dry too

The blood had dried but the pain was still there
Just don't let anyone touch my arms
How hard can that be?

Diary Devries (Leondre Devries)Where stories live. Discover now