Chapter 6

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*** TAYLOR POV ***
10 days left and I can finally talk to charlie properly and get a hug off Leo
*Leondre text you*
"Hello Tay hope your planning to come one of our meet ups, it would be nice to meet you and bring some friends"
"Yes mum finally said yes, we can come manchester, mum will be taking me so I don't know if any friends would come"

I couldn't tell him that I actually didn't have friends and don't talk to many people
He told me how hard it was for him in school and if I told him about my school life it would be really selfish and it doesn't feel as bad as what leo went through or for what he told me

I'm in my second to last year of school sure I can get through it
Can't I?

I lost my best friend, the only person that stood by me for the last two years, now it's arguments everyday and sometimes people would be waiting for me after school

I never went outside after school
Always found something to do in school do some extra work just to stay away and some days I got let out a few minutes earlier then everyone else and so luckily no one was there

People talking and joking about my hight
I hate being tall

Constantly crying

I can't do this

Leo told me I could tell him anything that worried me and it would always be easier to tell someone
But I just couldn't bring myself to actually telling him

"charlie you remember I was telling you about that girl"

"Which one, Taylor?"

"Yes Taylor"
Just hearing her name made me smile

"Yeah what about her"

"She.... She...."
I froze
The words just wouldn't come out of my mouth
What just happened

"Leo mate, I need to go talk to someone, I'll be back later, tell me when I'm back"

That was so weird
What happened to me

It's only Charlie

Diary Devries (Leondre Devries)Where stories live. Discover now