Mikasa X Armin

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Jen: There is the payback you both wanted

Annie: So armin care to explain

Armin: uhh....no

Eren: Mikasa?

Mikasa: We were just hanging out

Jen: Why are you both holding hands if your hanging out?

Armin and mikasa: Shut up!

Annie: Come on armin...Im waiting

Eren: Same mikasa

Armin: Atleast we didnt kiss like you both did!

Mikasa: Armin has a point

Eren: Then why dont you date him!?

Mikasa: Stop being so ignorant

Eren: Im not being ignorant!!

Armin: Yes you are eren

Annie: I agree with eren for once

Jen: Instead of fighting why dont you sit away from each other

Eren: That is a good idea....come annie *grabs her and sits on a different couch*

Mikasa: Same....come armin*grabs armin and sits in the opposite couch from them*

Jen: I just shouldve kept my mouth shut

Eren: Nope I think this was a great idea!

Mikasa: Besst idea you ever had

Annie: Sure....

Armin: Yea....

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