Eren X Erwin

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Jen: So how was the fight?

Eren: Lets see.... I have a broken arm!

Armin: Same here! Except you heal faster!

Annie: You both deserved it

Mikasa: Yea both deserved it

Jen: Look at the picture

Mikasa: That is messed up!

Eren: What! You just want me dead dont you!

Jen: Maybe I do....Annie doesnt though

Armin: What?

Annie: I know your my admin but I dont like eren!

Jen: Sureeee...

Armin: What is she talking about?

Mikasa: Leonhardt

Annie: I hate you both

Eren: Its nothing

Jen: Sure.....anyways really eren

Eren: He made me do that!

Mikasa: More like you wanted to!

Eren: I DIDNT!

Mikasa: I dont believe you

Annie: Eren if you dont tell the truth she is going to brake another bone

Eren: Fine....maybe I did

Armin: Thats messed up even for you

Eren: Shut it armin....what about you and horseface

Armin: You promise to never bring that up!

Eren: Well I lied!

Annie: What about horseface?

Eren: They k---

Armin: *covers erens mouth*NOTHING!

Mikasa: Eren how about and jean


Jen: Ha! If someone asks one of those two I have the perfect pictures!

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