Armin X Christa

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Jen: Im back

Annie: Ahem armin?

Armin: You got to be kidding me!

Christa: Not another picture

Mikasa: Annie atleast your boyfriend didnt have sex with a guy!

Eren: Fuck off mikasa

Mikasa: What did you say!


Armin: Annie, me and christa are just friends

Christa: Yea we are just friends

Annie: Your both making a heart shape thing

Jen: So nick fucked everything up, what an asshole

Eren: He is the biggest asshole

Mikasa: Your the biggest asshole here eren

Eren: Come on mikasa, Im sorry!

Annie: Christa get out

Christa: Why?

Annie: now.

Christa: okay! *runs out*

Armin: Annie, im sorry

Annie: Dont even say anything

Armin: But An---

Annie: *covers his mouth* shut it arlert

Armin: *licks annie's hand*

Annie: gross *wipes hand on his shirt*

Armin: Im sorry

Jen: Im gonna go talk to nick about this

Everyone: YOU SHOULD!

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