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Lesbians gc

Turtlerabbit: tea time

Momoring: YESSSSS

QueenYeri: new teas

Turtlerabbit: for today's tea.......... Weeekly, spill it

SoojinLEE: yeah, we got bunch of teas about

Romsae: what

SoojinLEE: some ships ;)

Monday: don't you dare

QueenLisa: spill it

*Jelly come online*

SoojinLEE: @Monday what does bees make

Monday: honey

Jelly: what

The others: :0

Monday: fuck you all

Jelly: what happened

Turtlerabbit: more tea??

*TowerZoa and Jinsoulsenpainoticeme come online*

SoojinLEE: yes they are here

*everyone fake offline*

Jinsoulsenpainoticeme: oh they all went offline

Jinsoulsenpainoticeme: BABE

TowerZoa: what

SmolbeanYeo: and they said I am shipping too early in the maknae gc

SmolbeanYeo: SEE

Tzuyoda: who knew

SmolbeanYeo: I am ALWAYS right

QueenVivi: as her parent I do not agree

Momseul: ^ same

YerimCHOI: shut the fuck up, my baby is right

Chaengbig: ^^ that's what we call couple

Chaengbig: not like @QueenLisa and @Jendeuk the old couple who always try to fight each other

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