Chapter 17

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The End...



An alert surrounded the offices that Sorrow and Dash were in and Information was given quickly. A Mission pop-up came up and it was a serious type of mission the details were,

"A-CLASS MISSION, Possible Kidnapping and users with powers in a surrounding area. 3 or fewer users in an abandoned building. BEWARE Banshee users. Damien will be watching over for the current mission. Floyd and Izumi will be assigned to the current mission."

A mission finally for the two friends that will end up being great heroes the announcement played over in the lobby and Floyd and Izumi instantly heard it and got up as they were confused that they didn't pick a mission. Damien was already right in front of them both. 

"Alright boys, It looks like you guys are ready Izumi, this is your chance to save that Yua girl. and Floyd you should already know the details. Listen I got this gadget and it's going to teleport us near the location. Now boys listen up you heard the details in the announcement drink this Mana drink it will refresh you. 

Now that all the details were given out Floyd and Izumi touched the Gadget that Damien had in his hands and they were teleported quickly out to a peaceful street. They started walking with Damien and something felt uneasy Izumi sensed Grieving and anger somewhere near them.

"Guys take it easy something is waiting for us in the corner of that street."

Damien forgot to tell  Izumi and Floyd back at HQ so he quickly told them,

"Oh yeah Izumi, I forgot to mention you are commanding this crew I know im higher rank than you but you will be commanding us so don't try to kill us or anything."

"Wha... Fine, I'll command first order Damien scout the surrounding area, Floyd go in the alley and come out to the other side I know someone is waiting for us over that corner when you get there let me know and I'll go to that corner. Okay?"

Floyd and Damien smiled and Nodded and moved out. Floyd ran to the alley and Izumi ran towards the corner and kept it easy. after going to the corner they saw nobody but a parked car. 

"Well that was sad I swear I felt some power around here."

When he said that a man with a gem on his forehead jumped down from the roof and smashed the car coming down. It was Gustav and he was hungry for revenge,


Izumi jumped to a distance and Floyd was out of sight and shot a beam of electricity onto Gustav's back making him fall. Damien teleported next to Izumi and randomly made two black swords that randomly emerged from his veins. 

"Need help on this big guy? He's the most dangerous In the banshees."

Izumi chuckled, "Tch his brother wasn't strong meaning this guy is play!"

Izumi jumped in the air showing his dark claws ready to strike Gustav, 


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