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The end...

A palpable clash between heavenly and hellish forces surged through the atmosphere, permeating the very essence of the surroundings. The air itself became charged with a profound amalgamation of life and death, intertwining in an ethereal dance that stirred the souls of all who bore witness.

In the midst of this extraordinary occurrence, Keira, keenly attuned to the subtle energies that enveloped her, perceived the unmistakable presence of the Necromancy powers Kagira had invoked. The realization struck her with such force that she crumpled to the ground, overwhelmed by a flood of emotions. Tears streamed down her face as she sensed the familiar energy of her deceased husband, a bittersweet reunion that stirred both sorrow and joy within her heart.

Dash, Floyd, and Albedo abruptly halted in their tracks, their instincts heightened as an indescribable sensation washed over them. It was as if the very essence of the atmosphere was charged with an impending power, a force that demanded their attention.

As their eyes scanned the horizon, they beheld a startling transformation unfolding above. The once serene sky ignited with a fiery hue, the crimson glow casting an eerie radiance upon the land. Embers danced in the air, carried by a gentle breeze that whispered secrets and portents to those willing to listen. The atmosphere crackled with a potent energy, foretelling an imminent event of immense significance.

Overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, Dash paused and instinctively brought his trembling hand to his face, trying to steady his racing thoughts. With a deep breath, he sank to his knees, the weight of foreboding bearing down on him. The nightmare that had haunted his dreams, the return of Tony, seemed to materialize before his very eyes.

Fear gripped his heart as he contemplated the impending encounter, unsure of what awaited him. In this fiery atmosphere, Dash's mind swirled with a mix of trepidation and anticipation, a sense of both dread and anticipation intertwining. The air crackled with uncertainty, leaving Dash on the edge of his seat, bracing himself for the unknown.


Tony Eru suddenly teleports in front of Dash and Floyd... Dash didn't think about anything but started to apologize constantly...

"Forgive for I have broken your Promise, my brother..."

"I believe everyone should be forgiven and given another chance. My Dear Brother Dash, for having to break my promise, I will still proceed to give you another chance for your actions."

Floyd and Dash were shocked at what just happened. It was easy to notice that Floyd didn't know what was going on but took a grasp hypothetical guess as to what was happening.

"I just might as well, take a guess who's behind me... A lowly scum of Anselms, feelings. Pride... or should I just go and call you Albedo? Your actions will be punishable for everything you've done to such an innocent woman. The battle is all yours Dash. and who is this, a mini you huh?! Be good to your Father kid. and know someone loves you, kid. you'll soon figure it all out. But I must attend to my own problems at once. Brother, I know that it's been short but be careful."

Floyd did not have a single clue of what Tony was talking about. His mind soon started to clutter with questions and theories of this person who loved him. Tony nodded at Dash and soon teleported into dust. 

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