Chapter 44

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As a strange boy walked away from Izumi and Floyd, he smirked, satisfied with the information he had gathered.

Lucas is a complicated figure; he has the intentions of a hero but uses immoral methods to get there.

He's a schemer, and a mastermind with a keen mind that craves knowledge.

He's a complex character, who sees himself as a leader because he cares deeply for others, but also believes that being too smart and knowledgeable can be dangerous.

Despite his complexity, Lucas is dedicated to doing the right thing, using his intelligence to guide others in the best way possible.

Lucas walked away to the port, where his fellow workers were gathered.

Upon reflecting on his brief interaction with Floyd and Izumi, he thought to himself, "I learned quite a bit about those two boys. The one with the scarring on his eyelid, Floyd, is quite crass and direct. And the other, Izumi Eru, I've heard of him before."

Lucas stared out at the ocean, lost in thought.

Next to him was a figure that was merely a gas, a man comprised of shadow and nothingness. There was nothing identifiable about the figure, no real body or even a face, just an emptiness that emanated from within.

The figure wore a suit, the fabric completely black. In its hands was a briefcase, which it held with no hands to grasp it, nor an arm to carry it. His name is Error.

Next to Lucas was another figure, a woman who wore a black and gothic style.

The girl was dressed in a hoodie, her hair was also black, and it was a more gothic look than anything else. She also wore a skirt, with sharp blades embedded into her legs for protection.

The girl was someone who believed that the world should have equal parts good and evil, and she was drawn to Lucas's neutrality and ability to see both sides of the conflict.

Lucas rose and began walking out of the port.

"I've read many reports about Anselm being defeated and his numerous sins being eradicated. But the evil persists, corrupting and infesting our world, even when the good strives to protect us.

It is sickening how the good cannot effectively quell the evil of this world, and it distresses me that we cannot rely on them to do so. It puts such a bad taste in my mouth.

There can be no good without evil..."

Lucas cast his gaze back to his comrades, telling them, "We are leaving this country soon, so make sure you say your final farewells to those you know here."

Lucas's order and tone conveyed a strong sense of finality as if whatever he had planned was set in stone and unnegotiable.

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