Treading Lightly

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"Hey," Tsukiko pops a coral pink bubble as she lounges on the floor of her room, sketching the outline of some fantasy nymph, "I'm bored. I'm gonna get my tongue pierced."
It's August, hot and stifling, and the vacation days seem to be dragging by so unbearably slowly, the cicadas drowning out everything. Not that you're complaining.
You put down your small tablet next to you on her bed, even online window-shopping no longer holding any of your interest. You are just that bored.
"You mean like next year?"
"Nah, tomorrow," she looks up at you, eyes lined even now with no one but you to see. Force of habit. Can't be getting lax now. It took too long to perfect that wing.
"What?" You're quite perplexed. "But you're not even eighteen yet." You say, knowing the law full well.
"But you got your nose done," she says.
She's got a point. You think back to two years ago when you were fifteen. That was not a good time. You put your foot down and father dear was in no position to say no. Parental consent easily acquired.
"And anyway, seventeen, eighteen...same difference," she continues, "I'm really almost eighteen."
You raise an eyebrow.
"Seventeen and a half."
Eyebrow as arched as ever.
"Seventeen and a quarter."
That's the honest truth right there.
"It doesn't even matter," she waves all concern away with a graceful hand. "My cousin's gonna do it. She did all my ear piercings," her fingers subconsciously run over the multitude of earrings. "She works at that tattoo place downtown. The one by the cinema."
You immediately know where she's talking about. The walls of the building spray-painted a dark, rich red, black cursive letters swirling over it.
"You wanna come with me?" she asks.
"Of course," you say. This will be a sight. "But you know, you'll just get told to take it out when we go back to school..."
"Because that's ever stopped you?" she grins mischievously, and you have to admit, she's got you there.

You and Tsukiko arrive early, or what passes for early in the 'underground' scene, a few minutes before 11am. You head in the direction of the front door but Tsukiko pulls you away and leads you to the back instead, the music, the type you'd expect in a place like this, already audible before you even see the back door.
Your friend peeks through the doorway into the dim room and you yourself peek over her shoulder. The walls inside are just as red, crowded with prints, drawings, wall hangings and other assorted paraphernalia.
"Azumi!!!" Tsukiko yells into the deserted space, the music blaring unbearably loud.
"Over here!" a voice replies, echoing from deep within.
"Com on!" Tsukiko smiles brightly and bounces inside.
You follow her through what seems like a tiny maze of hallways but to your surprise, she knows exactly where she's going.
"Azumi!" she greets one of her many cousins, a young slim woman in her mid twenties. You admire her graceful pointed face and waterfall of fair hair. Her eyes are just as big and mischievous as Tsukiko's.
"You sure you want to do this?" Azumi teases her, knowing full well that once Tsukiko has set her mind to something, there's no tearing her away from her goal.
"Oh you," Tsukiko breezily dismisses her concern.
"Alright, come on. Choose your poison," Azumi grins, hands on hips, referring to the tongue studs set out behind her.
She turns to you while Tsukiko is bent over, examining each piece of jewellery carefully, appraising each one with the eye of an experienced connoisseur.
"Do you want to stay and watch?" her voice is friendly and unexpectedly gentle, as is her whole demeanour, for someone that works in such...dark...surroundings.
"Oh," you're caught a little off guard. ", I'm good." You smile awkwardly. Needles just ain't your thing.
"That's alright," Azumi laughs. "Understandable. You can just sit and wait out here if you'd like."
"Thanks," you nod, taking a seat on the black leather couch in the hallway.
"Make yourself at home!" she gives you a small wave before closing the door.
You look around. Well, they're definitely got an aesthetic going here, you think before some magazines catch the corner of your eye.
You pick one up and start flipping through it. 'Body art' magazines. Of course. You flick through a couple of pages...oh...ok...well that's a piercing you've never seen before. Huh. You flip a few more. Wait, is that even possible? How would they even get the needle...? A little while later...You're not even sure what this is? You flip the magazine sideways, cocking your head but for the life of you it remains just as mysterious. You shrug and move on. Finally, here are some that you know and understand! Nice and simple.
You stop on one photo in particular. You don't know exactly what it is about it that catches your attention but it looks...gorgeous. You never really thought about getting any more piercings before but there's something alluring about this...Damn it! If Tsukiko (you hear a loud yelp from inside the room) can make rash decisions then so can you!
The door swings open and Tsukiko emerges, victorious.
"...every day!" Azumi warns.
"How does it look?" she opens her mouth, showing off her new shiny edition.
"Did you hear me?" Azumi shakes her by the shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah..." Tsukiko nods. "Rinse every day. Roger that."
"It looks very cool," you agree, knowing you'd never be able to do that to yourself.
"Didn't even hurt," Tsukiko boasts.
"Yeah? You just wait till tomorrow," Azumi grins. "Now that will be-"
"Whoa whoa! You said it was my late birthday gift!"
"I jest. I jest," Azumi shakes her head, laughing.
You get up from the couch, magazine in hand.
"Would it be alright if I got this done? I mean, it's ok if you don't have time. I can always come back!" you say, already starting to backtrack as you hold up the glossy photo to Azumi.
"Of course!" Azumi is suddenly very excited. "Are you absolutely sure?"
Tsukiko peers closely, inspecting.
"Oh la la," she finally says winking.
"Yeah, I'm sure," you blush a little at your friend's affectionate teasing. This can be your late birthday gift to yourself. If you take the money you already have in your small savings, plus the money from Aunt Kiko you got for your birthday earlier this year, it should be enough.
"Are you eighteen?" Azumi enquires.
"Well, I'll be..." you start but see the roguish glimmer in her eyes.
"Yes, I am," you say.
"Perfect!" she beams and pulls you into the room, shutting the door on Tsukiko.
You start to second guess yourself as Azumi preps but she's ready before you can change your mind.
"Just say the word!" she waits for you.
You let out a deep breath.
"Ok!" and scrunch up your face tightly as you feel the fine pointed tip of the needle touch your skin.

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