Part 2

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     "Hmm dare." Liam said.
     "I dare you to kiss Zayn!" Niall said laughing.
     "Okay." Liam said nervously. He leaned in gave Zayn a little kiss.
   Harry smiled. He longed to have his first kiss already. He would always see people in movies and people everywhere just kiss. He longed just to kiss someone one time.
"Harry it's your turn." Harry heard a familiar voice say.
"Oh okay um truth." Harry said, his face heating up.
"If you were going to an island alone and you could only bring 5 things with you, what would you bring?"
Harry breathed a sigh of relief. At least it wasn't something embarrassing. "Uh okay. I would bring, a solar powered heater, a water filter, a really good tent, a dagger and a spear."
"Creative." Louis said laughing.
"Okay Harry now it's your turn to ask Niall." Liam said nodding at Niall
" okay Niall truth or dare?" Harry asked.
"Dare." Niall said.
"Let Zayn do your makeup." Harry said.
"But we don't have any makeu-" Niall started.
Niall's mom poked her head through the door. "You guys can help yourself to mine."
They all laughed while Zayn went and got makeup.
Zayn didn't know what to put where so it turned out as a little bit of a mess. Niall looked like a clown with over exaggerated blush and blue eyeshadow. Pink lipstick was smeared all over his lips and eyeliner messily over his eyelids. They all laughed while Liam snapped a quick picture. They all crammed onto Niall's bed and decided to watch a movie. Liam and Zayn went to the kitchen to get snacks. They decided on a horror movie. They got all settled with snacks and started watching. Harry usually liked scary movies. He didn't know why but he just did. Niall didn't enjoy it. One jump scare scene and he was out. The movie ended and they were figuring out where to sleep.
"Someone can sleep with me in my room." Louis suggested. They decided Liam and Zayn were gonna sleep in the guest room, Niall in his bed and Harry and Louis in Louis's room. Harry looked around. Louis had a big German flag on his wall and some stuff from home. Harry began making his bed on the floor when louis looked down from the bed.
"This beds big enough for both of us." Louis said. "If you don't mind sharing."
Harry's hook his head and climbed in. His sheets smelled like citrus and mint. It was calming.
"Goodnight Harry." Louis said turning off the light.
"Goodnight." Harry said quietly, letting himself get enveloped in citrus and mint.
• • •
Harry awoke at about 2:00 that night. He wasn't sure where he was but then realized he was in Louis' bed he was snuggled into something. He soon realized that thing was breathing. He was snuggled into Louis' chest. He didn't want louis to wake up and see him snuggled against him so he tried to scoot away. Unfortunately for him Louis had one arm twined around Harry so he couldn't go anywhere. Harry sighed and decided it didn't matter. He fell back asleep in louis' chest.

    "Harry wake up breakfasts ready." Harry heard a soft voice say. He opened his eyes and saw the most beautiful angel. He smiled and blushed.  He hoped he hadn't been stuck to Louis when he woke up.  Louis got up and turned around. "You coming?" He asked. Harry nodded and followed Louis. He greeted everyone at the breakfast table while Niall's mom laid down pancakes in front of Harry. He looked up at Niall and Niall wiggled his eyebrows. Harry rolled his eyes and looked back down to his plate. The pancakes were quite good. They all started to discuss what they were goi to do that fine Saturday morning. Louis suggested soccer. Or as he called it "football". So they went back out and started playing. Louis easily was better than everyone there. Harry in the other hand had two left feet. He wasn't even going for the ball when one foot got caught behind the other and he fell, scraping his knee on a rock. Louis looked over and saw him in the ground. He quickly ran over and squat down.
"You alright Harry?" He asked softly.
"I-uh yeah." Harry said quietly. He always had trouble talking to Louis. Harry was just blindsided by him.
"No you're not." Louis said gently. "Your bleeding everywhere."
"I-I really I'm fine." Harry stuttered going red. He wiped his sweaty hands on his pants and looked down.
"Come on." Louis said softly helping Harry up. "You guys keep playing we'll be right back." Louis said to everyone else.
Harry walked in shame I to the kitchen. Why did he have to be so clumsy? Louis probably thought of him as a child he had to watch, always getting hurt.
"Sit up on the counter." Louis said digging in the cabinet and pulling out a small first aid kit. Harry obeyed, sitting hunched on the counter. Louis knelt down and looked at his torn up knee. He gently began dabbing it with a damp paper towel causing Harry to take a sharp intake of breath.
"I know." Louis cooed. "But we don't want to to get infected." He eventually got it cleaned up and put a couple bandaids on it.
"Good as new." Louis said flashing his smile.
Harry didn't say anything back. He was stuck in Louis eyes. A deep blue ocean he was drowning in. He didn't realize he had a creepy smile on his face until louis said, "is there something on my face?"
Harry looked down in embarrassment. "N-n-o." He said shyly. The rest of the boys came in being hungry and since Niall's mom was at work, they were gonna have to fend for themselves.
"I can try to make something." Louis suggested.
The rest of the boys nodded. Niall spoke up, " Harry's actually really good at cooking, he can help you." Niall looked directly at Harry and smirked. Harry gave Niall a look back. Great, just great. Another opportunity to embarrass himself in from of louis.
"Sure I'd love to have you help me Harry." Louis said brightly. Harry just smiled and nodded awkwardly. Harry sat in the counter while louis tried and failed to make grilled cheese.
"maybe you might want to turn the heat down a little." Harry suggested after the third burnt crisp louis called a grilled cheese. "And maybe spray the pan with some cooking oil?"
Louis did both but still managed to burn the next two. "Here, let me." Harry said scooting into louis place. Soon enough there were five sandwiches made along with some tomato soup and some fruit smoothies.
"Guys, it's ready." Louis called up the stairs. Niall, Liam and Zayn all sprinted down the stairs. Liams foot got caught on zayns ankle and he rolled down to the bottom. Harry opened his mouth to ask if he was okay but Liam was already gone from the bottom of the stairs and sprinkling towards the food. They all ate laughed and stumbled around Niall's kitchen being goofy. Somone bought it was time for everyone to go home. They all piled into louis' car and drove to Harry's house. Harry got out and thanked louis and Niall. He was home alone so he went straight to his bed and put on some Shawn Mendes in his earbuds. He was thinking about Louis. He couldn't fall in love with louis. After all he was only here for a year. After this year he's flying back to Germany. Seeing his family, seeing his friends. Seeing all the girls. He sighed. He didn't know why he ever thought he could he could like louis. Louis. A literal angel. Walks in the room and lights it up like a lightbulb. Kind. Makes people gravitate around him. He sighed. After this year he was gonna be gone. Not here. Back to Germany. Away from Harry forever. Finding a German girl to marry. Tears leaked out of his eyes. He curled up in a ball and went to sleep.
He woke up later in the night without eating dinner. He rolled over and heard a strangled meow. His gray cat dusty looked over at him with betrayal in her eyes.
"Sorry dusty." He said picking up the cat. She climbed up onto his shoulder curling around his neck. Harry walked downstairs and made a bowl of cereal. As he was eating his phone dinged. He looked down. Louis had followed him on Instagram. He smiled. He smiled and followed him back. He scrolled through louis' few pictures. He had only three. One picture of him standing at some cliff thingy. A German attraction. Another was him playing soccer and the last one was him with a huge smile with Niall's family at the airport. Harry screen-shotted all of them and put them in his my eyes only in Snapchat. He sleepily went up the stairs and crawled into bed.

Thank you so much for reading! It means so much to me! Have a good day/night and TPWK!!!

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