Part 4

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A/n: I'm doing a louis pov for this chapter. Hope you enjoy!

As louis drive away he couldn't help but to let his mind stray to their kiss. He couldn't believe he did that. He certainly didn't want to ruin their friendship. He parked back in his driveway and saw the rain had stopped. School tomorrow. He walked into the kitchen and got himself a muffin from the cabinet and walked upstairs. He got on his bed and scrolled through Harry's Instagram. Pictures of him with a gray cat. A picture of him with Niall, Liam and Zayn. A picture with his mom. That was about it. Louis smiled. It quickly faded. He wouldn't be here very long. He couldn't love Harry. He sighed. He turned off his phone and went to bed early.

• • •
He awoke early the next morning. All the flooding had gone down so school was reopened. He sighed as he pulled on skinny jeans with a white shirt and black vans. He walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He went downstairs and grabbed an apple for breakfast.
"You ready?" He asked Niall, who was already sitting looking ready to go.
"Yep." He said, getting up and walking to the car.
Louis got in the car and started it up. He made small talk with Niall on the way to school. He pulled up and locked the car door. He walked in and saw Harry talking to Liam by some lockers. He had tried a new hairstyle today. It was slicked up and back(frat boy Harry hair) he looked really good. He had on a Nirvana t-shirt and black skinny jeans with boots. He made eye contact with him and Harry turned shyly away. Louis smiled to himself a d went to his first period, math. Math came easily to him so it wasn't a problem. His day flew by and soon enough it was time for lunch. He signed out and went to his car to go get lunch. He thought he would get Harry something too. He stopped and got a sandwich at the local cafe and got Harry chocolate ice cream with chocolate syrup. He smiled to himself. Harry would love it. Once he got back to the school it was mostly melted, making chocolate soup but louis knew Harry  would like it anyways he walked in the door and headed straight to their table. Harry was laughing with Niall and louis smiled to himself.
     He sat down and gave Harry his ice cream.
     "I got you some ice cream." Louis said smiling.
    Harry turned bright red. "Aww, you didn't have to."
    "I wanted to." Louis said giving him a spoon for it. Harry and Niall exchanged a look. Louis ignored it, eating his sandwich. Lunch was soon over and louis went to chemistry. That flew by too and soon enough his favorite class period arrived. Last period. He walked with Harry down the hallway, to the gym.
     "Ready for gym?" Louis asked looking up at Harry.
"Am I ever?" Harry sighed.
Louis laughed. "It's okay, I make it ten times better dont I?"
Harry didn't say anything he just blushed and looked away. The minute bell rang and they looked at each other. They were still a little far from the gym. Harry started sprinting down the hall and so did louis. Finally they made it just in time. Harry was wheezing and look an inhaler.
"I didn't know you had athsma." I said still breathing heavily.
"The more you know." Harry replied walking into the the locker room. They quickly changed and heading out to the gym. The teacher announced that dead lift would be that days activity. He heard a large sigh from Harry. He looked up.
"It's okay Hazz, it's not that bad." He said gently.
"Thanks louis." Harry said with a smile. The class walked into the weight room and louis demonstrated how to do it.
"So you get your legs as close to the bar as possible." Louis said gesturing at the bar laying at his feet. "Then you squat. And grab the bar, and come straight up." He did. Harry watched in amazement as louis did several reps.
"Now I have 170 pounds on altogether but I think we could start you off with 100."
Louis helped him put on the certain amount of weight them gave him pointers. Harry struggled but louis thought it was cute. Harry's face flushed red at the effort and louis thought that was the most attractive thing in the world.  Finally he gave Harry a break. Harry was wheezing. It didn't sound good.
     "Harry are you okay?" Louis asked worriedly.
     " I need my... inhaler." He wheezed. Louis looked up for the gym teacher. Nowhere to be found. People were starting to stare but nobody came over.
      "Wait here." Louis said running out the door. He ran through the gym and into the locker room he started digging through Harrys bag. He pulled out papers and folders but couldn't find it. He checked every zipper and finally found it. He ran back through the gym and into the weight room. Everyone was gathered around Harry not even t du ing to help him, just staring. 
       "Get back!" Louis cried out. "He has anxiety!" He shoved people aside.
    Harry was laying on the floor gasping for air.
     "Harry I've got it." Louis said lifting Harry onto his lap.
    He got Harry to take it and cuddled him to his chest.  "It's okay Hazz." Louis said breathing heavily. Harrys
breathing slowed and louis felt him burrow deeper into his chest. Harry arms twined around his neck and louis stood up. Louis buried his face in Harry's neck. He smelled like dryer sheets.
    "I thought I lost you." Louis said a single tear coming out of his eye.
    "Lou." Harry said softly. "Thanks."
    "What happened?" The gym teacher asked walking in and standing in front of louis and Harry. "And why are you holding him?"
     "Where were you?" Louis said angrily, gritting his teeth. "Harry had an athsma attack!"
     "I-I just stepped out of the room for a second to take a phone call." He stuttered.
     "He could have died." Louis said lowly, hugging Harry closer to his chest. "Do you have any idea what that would've done to me? Louis said laughing coldly. "It would have torn me apart."
     "I-I." The gym teacher stuttered. "Does he need to go to the nurse?"
    Harry shook his head against louis chest. "No he's fine." Louis said stroking Harry's hair.
     "Why don't we let Harry answer for himself?" The gym teacher asked rudely.
     "Don't you think I would if he could?" Louis asked raising his voice. "He has anxiety. Get that into your thick head! Don't you think this situation has been stressful enough for him? Laying on the floor gasping for air while everyone gathers around staring at him like a zoo animal?" Louis was shouting now. "You weren't even here to do your job!" He shouted shooting daggers at everyone. The bell rang and everyone started filing out.
     "Do you want me to carry you?" Louis whispered softly into Harry's ear. Harry shook his head. So they walked out. Louis' hand on Harry's lower back, ignoring the stares. They grabbed their stuff and walked out to louis' car. They drive to Harry's house talking little.
     "Bye Harry." Louis said softly as Harry got out of the car.
    "Bye Lou." Harry said smiling.
     Louis drive home and went straight to his room. Anger took over and he punched his wall over and over again. His wall was made out of wood so it didn't hurt the wall but it certainly hurt his hand. His hand was bruised and his knuckles were bloody when he was finally done. He collapsed into his bed and stared up at the ceiling thinking about Harry.

      Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Take care and have a good day/night and TPWK!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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