Part 3

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     Monday came soon enough.  Harry sighed as the first couple classes went by pretty fast. It was time for German. He sighed sitting down. Luckily the two boys weren't there. He breathed a sigh of relief and sat down.  The teacher started talking and started explaining simple German phrases. Harry wasn't getting any of it. As soon as he left he was more confused that he was before he entered. He walked to lunch and got lunch with Niall, Zayn and Liam. They all sat down and started talking. Just them he looked up and saw louis walking in with a girl with long brown hair and blue eyes. His heart sunk. He could see the way she was looking at him. She was beautiful. Louis sat down. 
      "Hey guys this is Eleanor." He announced. She waved shyly and bent down and gave louis a kiss on the cheek. "Bye guys." She said sauntering off.
    Harry suddenly lost his appetite. Why did he think he would get lucky enough to date louis? Why did he even think louis liked boys in the first place? He looked up and met eyes with Niall. He had a sympathetic look in his eyes.
    "So, do you like her?" Liam asked turning to louis.
    "No." Louis replied. But Harry still thought it'll otherwise. Eleanor was the most popular junior. Captain of the cheer team. She was nice enough but she dated a lot of guys.
     Harry looked over to her table with the other cheerleaders. She was staring directly at louis.  Harry suddenly felt a pang of jealousy. He quickly pushed it away. Louis didn't belong to him. Louis can date whoever he wants. After all, Louis' straight. Harry pushed his food away and met his curls fall into his eyes.
     "I'm gonna go use the restroom." He muttered getting up quickly. As soon as he stepped in the bathroom door the tears started falling. He quickly grabbed toilet paper and dabbed them up. More and more came until he finally forced himself to stop. The gel finally rang and he went through the next period with no problem until he finally got to last period. He went to gym and changed into his gym clothes and walked out waiting for instructions. As soon as everyone got out there the gym teacher started telling everyone what they were going to be doing.
"Alright everyone, get with the one assigned to you. We're going to be lifting today."
Harry's stoma h clenched up. His hands started to get sweaty and his heart started beating. Please no. He couldn't lift. He was built like a twig. Everyone started going into the weight room and louis ran and caught up to harry.
"Hey harry." He said out of breath. "Excited?"
"No, not really." Harry said numbly. "I can't lift."
"Don't worry I can help you." Louis said brightly. They all got in and everyone had to do squats with the bar. Louis got under the bar and started doing squats with it in his shoulders. He was strong he had three big weights on either side. His muscles flexed as he did a set of ten. Harry couldn't help but stare at his
butt as he squatted. It was quite hot.
"Here, you try." He said, getting out from underneath the bar.
Harry sighed. "So how do I do this?" The bar was set high on a machine. He ducked his head underneath with the bar on his shoulders.
"Now grip the bar right here, and here." Louis said gently moving his hands. His hands were soft on his and he was overwhelmed with citrus and mint. He inhaled the familiar scent and calmness washed over him. So louis stood back and watched as Harry struggled to squat with just the bar.
"It's okay, Harry the bar itself is forty pounds everyone has to start somewhere." Louis said proudly.
Louis walked over and gently touched Harry's back. "Straighten your back up a little, and go in deeper. Push your butt out for a deeper squat."
Harry inhaled sharply when he realized louis had been looking at his butt.
"Okay I think it's almost time for class to end." Louis said looking at his watch. "Just put the bar back in the rack and we should be set."
So they walked out together and went into the locker room. Harry couldn't help but sneak a peek at louis when he took off his shirt. He gasped when he saw louis had a perfect six pack of abs.
"What are you looking at faggot?" Harry heard a voice from behind him. The bell had already rung and everyone was gone except Harry and louis. Harry's spun around as a popular boy walked by.
"Do you know that fruitcake was staring at you when you took off your shirt?" He sneered at louis.
"Does it matter?" Louis said coldly.
"Yeah." The boy snickered. "We don't tolerate fags at this school." The boy then punched Harry in the stomach. All the air left Harry's body. He crumpled on the ground as the boy started kicking him. Harry curled up in a ball as tears welled up in his eyes.
"LEAVE HIM ALONE." He heard louis yell. He heard a big crunch and several thuds. He opened his eyes and saw louis beating him up. Time and time again his fists stick his face. The boy wasn't even fighting back. Soon enough louis stopped and the. Beaten boy scurried out of the locker
room. Harry felt two string arms underneath him as louis picked him up.
"Are you okay Harry?" He said softly.
Harry nodded, another tear coming from his eye. Louis grabbed their stuff with one hand and cuddled Harry to his chest with the it other. Harry sniffled, getting louis' shirt all wet.
"I-I-im sorry." Harry said burying into tears.
"Sorry for what, love?" Louis asked softly brushing his curls from his eyes.
"I'm sorry I made you fight him." Harry said, voice cracking.
"Shhh." Louis said opening the door out. "No. It wasn't your fault."
Harry just twined his arms around louis' neck and sobbed more. Suddenly the heavens opened up and it started to pour. Louis started to laugh and started running to the car. Harry giggled a little and buried his face in louis' chest. Louis opened the car door and threw their bags in. The parking lot was mostly empty Liam Niall and Zayn all having gone home on the bus. Louis opened the passenger side door and set harry gently inside. He strapped Harry's seatbelt on then leaned down on Harry's level.
"I'm proud of you for being brave today." He said softly wiping harry tears away with this thumbs. He got in the drivers side and started the car.
"Tell your mom you'll be staying at my house tonight. You need a little self care."
Harry nodded and texted her. He watched as louis watched the road. He smiled. He watched as louis turned the wheel to turn. He smiled as he saw how he gripped the wheel. Soon enough they were at Niall's house. Niall was staying over at Liam and zayns house. They texted Harry to see if he could come but Harry politely declined. As soon as they arrived louis carried Harry inside.
"I think I can walk." Harry said gently.
"I know." Louis said with a smile. "I just like carrying you."
He walked upstairs and sat happy down on his bed.
"Lay down." Louis Said pushed Harry back and pulling the blanket over him. "I'll be right back with dinner."
"Don't burn the house down." Harry called.
"Blow me." Louis replied laughing.
Harry smiled to himself. He would. He suddenly remembered Eleanor. His heart grew cold. He sighed. He couldn't love louis. It would just never  work out. He looked around Louis' room and saw a skateboard up against the wall. He smiled. He could skateboard too. He only knew how to ride it though. Suddenly louis was back. He had two bowls and two plates in his hands.
"Niall's mom made chicken noodle soup." He said sitting down the bowl and plate on Harry's lap. On the plate were some mashed potatoes and a roll.
"Thank you." Harry said quietly.
"Wanna watch Netflix?" Louis asked with a smile.
"Sure." Harry said taking a bite of soul.
They ended up watching a rom-com. At the end the two boys were watching with great interest. Harry was crying at the end of it. Louis went and got tissues for Harry.
"Here." He said sitting next to him and putting an arm around his shoulder.
"Thanks." Harry sniffled. "Happy endings always make me cry."
"Would some ice cream make you feel better?" Louis asked.
Harry nodded. So they ended up have chocolate ice cream with chocolate syrup on top.
"So," Harry started off. "You and Eleanor huh."
"Oh no." Louis said, shaking his head. "No no no."
He said something else and it sounded a lot like "I don't even like girls."
"Pardon?" Harry asked leaning in to hear him.
"Nothing." Louis Said looking down.
Harry yawned. "Time for bed?" Louis asked. Harry nodded sleepily. Louis turned off the TV and Harry lay on his side facing away from louis. He suddenly felt something press against him. Louis' body. Louis' arm wrapped around Harry and Harry held it on his cheek. It was still raining heavily. He breathed in his scent and fell asleep.

"Harry, wake up." Louis said gently as Harry opened his eyes. "We gotta go to school."
Harry sighed. "I have no toothbrush or clothes."
"I have an extra toothbrush you can have, and I have extra clothes you can wear."
Harry nodded as he and louis went into the bathroom to brush their teeth. Suddenly Harry and louis both got a call from the school. Harry answered it and put it on speaker.
"Hello due to the increased weather conditions and flooding the Lake county school district will not be open today. All student are advised to stay home. Thank you and stay safe."
"You know what that means." Louis said looking at Harry. "Extended sleepover!"
Harry smiled. "Your mom won't mind?"
"Nope, she loves you." He replied. "Let's go play in the rain." They both ran downstairs and opened the door. Louis' house was on a hill so there wasn't any flooding, just sopping ground.
Louis ran out and was immediately soaked. Harry laughed and pushed louis. Louis laughed and pushed Harry back.
"Tag." Louis said laughing he started running.
Harry laughed and ran after him. He finally caught up to louis.
"Tag." Harry said tagging Louis.
Louis started running after him and went to tag him but slipped and fell into Harry, knocking them both down. They just sat there laughing letting the rain wash all over them. Harry couldn't see a thing. His curls went right over his eyes. They stayed there for a couple minutes until Harry started to shiver. The rain was cold.
"Your cold?" Louis asked looking over. "Go take a warm shower. He got up and helped Harry up.
"Have fun." Louis called as Harry closed the bathroom door. He took off his wet clothes and started the shower. He stayed in there for a little while thinking over everything. He just let the warm water run over him. He finally got out and grabbed a towel. He then realized he had no clothes to change into. So he wrapped the towel around his waist and went upstairs into Louis' room.
"Hey louis do you have any clothes I can borrow?" He asked timidly.
Louis turned around and his eyes widened. "I-uh yeah I do." He dug around in his closet and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. "Might uh be a little uhh small." Louis said nervously.
"Thanks." Harry said taking the clothes. He couldn't help but notice that louis' eyes lingered on his unclothed torso. He blushed and walked back down to the bathroom to change. The sweatpants went halfway down his shins and the shirt was too small in the arms but Harry loved wearing louis' clothes nevertheless. He came back and sat on louis' bed. Louis had a nature documentary on. He sat down next to louis and started watching. It was a lion documentary.
"What are those big fan cats called ?" Louis asked pointing at the screen.
Harry forgot louis came from Germany and English wasn't his first language.
"Lion." Harry replied smiling.
"Lion." Louis repeated back to himself smiling. "Back in Germany we call them Löwe."
Harry smiled. His accent was so cute.
      "Have you ever dated anybody?" Louis asked out of nowhere.
     "Nope." Harry said back. "You?"
"Once back in like eighth grade." He replied. This time he was looking right at Harry. Right at Harry's lips. Suddenly louis leaned in and crashed his lips onto Harry's. Harry gasped but kissed back. One of Louis' hands twined in Harry hair the other on his face. Louis' lips were soft on his. Suddenly louis pulled back.
"No no no no." He said. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.
    "No it's fine." Harry suddenly got a text from his mom.
A: can you come home? I miss you:(
Louis looked down and saw. "You better get home." He said softly. He grabbed Harry's stuff and the car keys. Harry got in the passenger side of the car and buckled himself in. His head was still spinning from a couple minutes ago. They drove in silence. Neither of them knew what just happened. They just decided to ignore it. 
      Louis stopped at Harry's house. "Bye louis." Harry said softly. "Thanks for having me."
      "Anytime." Louis said meeting harry eyes. He looked like he was about to say something else but he shut his mouth and drove away.

Thank you for reading! I'm think about doing a Louis POV for the next chapter. Have a good day\ night and TPWK!!!

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