Chapter 60

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July q4th, 1964

Y/N Kennedy ," The Nurse called.

You get up from your seat and follow her into a room.

You get your weight and health check.

Dr.Kayla will be in soon ," The Nurse said before she closes the door.

Hello Mrs.Kennedy ," Dr.Kayla said with a smile.

Hi ," You said with a smile.

You are here to find out the sex of the baby , "Dr.Kayla said .

Yeah ," You said.

Lay back for me and pull up your shirt for me ," Dr.Kayla said.

You pull up your shirt a little .

This might be a little cold," Dr.Kayla said as she puts the ultrasound gel on your stomach.

You glanced up at the screen.

Let's see where your little one is at," Dr.Kayla said as she moved the wand around your stomach.

There is your baby," Dr.Kayla said as she pointed at the screen.

Awe ," You said.

Do you want to know the sex ," Dr.Kayla asked?

Yeah I do ," You said.

Congratulations it's a boy ," Dr.Kayla said .

You smile at her.

Here are your pictures and your next appointment is August 11 ," Dr.Kayla said.

Thanks ," You said as you put them in your coat .

( The White House )

How did the appointment go," Jack asked with a smile.

It went well. I had found what I am having ," You said with a smile.

What are you having," Jack said with a smile.

A boy, " You said.

Since it's a boy. I get to name him Bentley Fitzgerald Kennedy," Jack said as he smirked at you.

Now you and patrick will have a little guy but you two are still outnumbered by girls," You said with a smile.

Ik it's still a little nice to have another son but I love my daughters too," Jack said with a smile.

After this one is born. We aren't having any more kids since you are getting old," You said with a smile.

Did you just call me old. I'm only 47 and I look fantastic for 47," Jack said with a smirk.

Yes, you do look fantastic for 47," You said before your face grew red from blushing.

Yeah about having no more kids. I called bullcrap on that bc you said that when Emilia was born. Here we are with five kids and about to welcome the sixth," Jack said as he smirked at you.

I blamed it on the six weeks without sex and jealousy ," You said.

Um Jack. There is someone here to see you ," Bobby said.

Who ," Jack asked?

The girl from the ball that had a blue dress on ," Bobby said.

Abby ," You said.

Yeah ," Bobby said.

I will take care of this ," You said as you walk to the door.

No," Bobby said.

Let me go before I break your finger ," You said.

Ok. I don't want a broken finger," Bobby said.

You glanced at Jack before you walk out the door.

I lost her forever and now she is gone •JFK•Where stories live. Discover now