mr. newly stringed !

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To answer questions . She isn't really aware of why she commented on the incident as something she announce as a [ bummer ] . Maybe because for once she actually thought there's one more out there that hadn't been stringed yet isn't anxious ? Why she knows she isn't anxious . Just a hunch . A hunch brought together by the many things mentioned by many people around her , about him .

And it couldn't be a lie . Since , as it goes , it says that the string of someone is visible to everybody until they actually meet their said destined partner . Until their strings are shown to the both of them at the same time . Until they see who they'll never be able to part with until the day they die .

Pretty much like arranged marriage if you ask her . Just make it more romantic that what it should be .

She fell asleep easier than she thought she would that night and the next daybreak was also the end of her breaks and start of school . Not really a bad thing as part time also rolls the same days and she finds it fun to spend the whole day doing something as much as she liked doing nothing .

Dressed and ready she skips breakfast with a toast in mouth and a goodbye kiss to both parents . "I'll keep safe ! Bye bye !"

Getting just in the nick of the first bell , she plops down her seat and takes her phone out , comes next were her friends and they talked the first free moments of the day away .

The classes ended for the first period and it's next until lunch break . The girl group she belonged to had gone before her since she was being called in by the teacher .

"Yo bro , where do you think your girl is ?"

"And the hell ? It's actually looped to your wrist , talk about neat ."

"It's bright red bro ! Whaddat , soaked in blood ????"

Their conversations , sure did sound childishly amusing but she chose to pass by them with her sight straight to where she's supposed to be . And just as she tilt a shoulder to avoid hitting the person walking before her , she felt , electrocuted .

By volts of million that she didn't have a choice but pause for a bit and look back . Green hair . Tied back , long and looking fluffy , he was laughing with his pals and wasn't looking at where she was . A red string from his wrists , just dangling there , bright and almost , almost , making her wish she could tie her fingers around it .

And damn sure was she ready to slack her jaw and release a , can i get your number ? Ah , she shouldn't have thought that .

She walks ahead , ignoring the thumping of her chest and sighing with a look to the side . "I feel like I've seen him somewhere before ."

"Sorry , I'm late again ."

For a reason this time .

"Ah , first I forgot about what the teacher was talking about and got scolded , talked to in the faculty and now I forget about my cleaning duty ??? Hmmm , I sure am forgetting a lot of things today ,"

She grumbles on her own as she fix her stuff , friends at wait for her , and she knew she'd feel bad so she sends them off and they really didn't want to leave her but she insisted enough that they had no choice but to leave with a , "Make sure you get home safely ! Call us when you get there !"

Fixing the chairs and everything else , she actually finished later than she wished . The sun already seemed to have started to set . That would have been begged by her to be a blessing as she loves seeing the sun fall and the moon rise to paint the sky dark but it would be bad if something bad happened as she walks pass lively streets at this hour .

"Wait , do I have work today ? It'll be such huge mess if that was the case ." She gets her phone and went to the messages . Her boss is a very kind man , and sends them messages to remind them they had work since most of his workers are working students . Some in need of cash and some just wanting to kill time . But maybe his niceness of no boundaries have paid off as he never gets bad workers , all are diligent and hardworking , thus why she'd feel bad staining such record .

"Hooo , nice , I'm off today ." She was sure she was alone at the bridge . She didn't know why but it was convenient nonetheless . Just staring at the setting sun and it's appreciative sky . Maybe she should stop for a bit and rest her legs ?

But she isn't so tired-

"Hey , uh , miss ?"

Maybe she is . Considering how easily she was turned with just a simple hold of a shoulder , gentle , soft and warm . Calloused hand , a hand of kind held her sleeved shoulder . "You kinda dropped this ,"

Eyes didn't dare stare at his . She knew that voice . So she darted her sight to where the handkerchief should be .

As soon as the thumping in her heart started and she grabbed hold of the handkerchief she had no idea she dropped , she remembered , why she felt like his name rung a bell , why she felt like she's seen him somewhere elsewhere before .

He's Midoriya Izuku . A classmate since junior high school .

"Oh ? Isn't that you , Uraraka-san ?"

Ah , how she wished she didn't feel so caught within the moment her name left his lips that her eyes immediately aligned with his .

And just as she wandered along what his emeralds had to offer , a string of red looped around her left wrist .

It's , the red string .

"Woah ." was what he said as he looked down her hand , and there she saw , blood red , shining , floating in a ring like formation along her wrists . "You've gotta be kidding -"

She tried to pull her arm away , and he stumbles forward to where she dragged it . "Eh ? You don't like it ?"

Not like she didn't , more like , she has no idea what to do . Should she feel surreal ? Feel panicked ? Excited ? Whatever can she actually feel at such moment ?

And of all things , it's one she wasn't sure if she's felt many times these days around . Fear .

She never expected this . Never wanted this . What should she do . The partner isn't the problem , the responsibility is . The partner isn't the issue , it's the string . She wanted to cut it . She wanted to rip it along her wrist . But what's the risk for when it's so easy for the string to loop along the other parts of her body ?

Ahhh , she wanted to run . But what if it pulls him to where she goes ? What if he realizes how afraid she is as her silence keeps both of them unsteady ? Ah , she really should just run .

"You good ?"

His voice . Was it always this , full and clear ? His hold , was it ever this warm ? His face , had it always been a professional at showing genuine concern ?

"Yeah , I'm alright ." Hell no , she ain't . She leans back from his swipe of a finger to move the scattered hairs to get a better look at her . " . . . I see ? Uh , so now , I guess we're now meant for each other ?"

For one , he's quite the nonchalant type . "Yeah ."

"Can I have your number then ? We can talk this out through the phone if you want . You don't seem to be fairing well ."

Thus why she now lays down the floor of her room . Freshly bathed and still sorely drunk with thoughts that made her feel , feel so , so tired .

Even now she's looped with a string and it goes along out her window to who knows where . Maybe where he lives , doing whatever he needs to be doing .

"I , should I apologize ? I got him worried , even when it's not really his fault ." She heaves a breath , hand below her head as the other scrambles along different apps on her phone , somehow looking for a distraction .

"Yeah , I really should ." She places said device aside . Sits up with both arms as support and looks out the window of her room where troublesome string dangles to who knows where .

"I really wish we weren't looped by this string-"

As if she hurt that string's feelings , a tug of it was all it took , vibrations got her spine trembling beneath skin , and not before long , she was knocked out , fast asleep .

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