mr. reminiscing !

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"Woah , that's cold ." He shivers with his words and the cold bursts of wind stood strong nonetheless .

He rubs palms along the area of his shoulders , his wet sleeves and sticky hair , looks uncomfortable . Not like she's any different . "It sure is ." Before she knew it she was trembling herself . Focusing on their conversation felt difficult during the cold , but with the loud way the unknown voice eroded from where they just left , it would be more reasonable for them to be considered senile if they weren't shook beyond the chilling bites .

"There's a hot spring along the path you are to take ,"

The voice had more to say but Ochako couldn't hear anymore as Izuku clicks his tounge ; not in an irritated way , more in a state to announce he's just up for the indirect offer but would snap his fingers if ever he wasn't too busy trying to produce more heat into himself .

"Let's go , Ochako-san ! We'll be frozen stiff if we wait any longer ." He clamps a hand around her again , almost as  if they wouldn't be able to pass through the path they once went through if they weren't connected physically and not just by some string she only noticed reconnected probably sometime when they were too busy shivering to care .

Knowing that felt somehow nicer than the very time it knotted its way in her sight . They ran through the same path shuddered with golden tiles and darkened lines . The same way they went through earlier but this time it wasn't so deprived of life , to contrast , it was brimming with it . Flowers of many likes and instead of looming trees were flat grasslands . She wondered whether they are going through a different road back but they weren't . It's the same . Yet different .

Gold pavements yet different side companions . Nice . The flowers were scattered to grow there and all elsewhere , the moon that shone aligned with how prettier things can get glistened with graces of the moon .

The wind was rough . So he fastened up .

"Ahhhh , nice ." He sighs in utmost relief with a word to share and she did the same but kept silent .

The two of them ended up in a hot spring resort . Old and rigid yet what kept them walking in is the steam of warmth they've been begging to feel . "Oh yeah , I'm really surprised you were able to speak of 7 things about me ."

Ochako blinks out of her sleepy state at the processing of what he said . She heard him loud and clear , almost as if he was just down , soaking right beside her . And she ushers a reply next , voice hoarse and rough on her throat to her lips , she winces after speaking .

"It's hard to not know anything when we've been together for most of 2 years ." It was hard . Hard to not notice the big things , big habits , that he seemed to have lived by since birth . And similarly was as hard to feign ignorance over the littlest things , little habits , that he seemed to not know he do .

"You say that , but you're usually the type to look past such things ."

They were both in a smaller hotspring than what they went to their last school trip . Just separated by a mat of some sort that flits with the steams whips and the waters splash .

And she couldn't careless as she hid under the warmer sort of water and pressed her back against the soothing rocks that rid her mainly of her exhaustion . "I know , I think I told you that before . But people change , even if within minutes or years ."

"Yeah , there's that ."

Izuku sounded not as carefree as usual . Not giddy . Not talk-y either . If anything , he resembles the him she had to put up with when he ushers her to watch a romance movie and the ending didn't go as he wished . Tone and behavior-wise , that is .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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