ms. remembering !

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"Look at that ." he points at their string , she looks ahead . "What ?" and like said string wanted to answer her question , it lengthen and floated . Would've had both of them choking on what they're eating but they'd rather not waste any food . And it's not as worst now when they've seen things floating and people , places , suddenly stop bearing existence .

Words were formed with the twirls of the strings .

And after much chewing and pauses to sip thru sprites and cokes , Izuku and Ochako was finally given the information they've been needing . Red Trial .

"They sure aren't creative ."

Izuku's comment was ignored as Ochako read more . The next level to this adventure is to be led by your string . It paused for a bit . After you're done eating .

Ochako swore Izuku snorted and that itself had her laughing more . "Aside from the lack of creativity , they sure are awkward ."

He continues on laughing and she went along with him . Drowning her other thoughts of worrying .

"Oh , but I think I heard of [ Red Trial ] before ." he spoke between little huffs as he hopscotch through the pavement , the string dragged long to who knows where and they figured they should just follow rather than just stare . "Really ? Where ?"

He looked at her like he thought she was joking , "Y'know , we were thought of it during history back in the first semester . It was Nemuri-sensei who tackled about it too ."

Now that she thinks about it  , they probably did tackle something of same lines but with different teachers  . "I think , it was Aizawa-sensei that tackled about it on your class though ."

"Red trial . . ." She spoke quietly with a finger on her chin seemingly thinking of what was said . She's sure she's heard it before .

"It's a trial for red stringed peeps ."

She smacks knuckles at his mumble of answer she wasn't really asking for . "It's to see whether they are fit to be together or not right ?"

He nods at what she added on their conversation . "I honestly didn't think it was true . And we have no proof either from the red stringed peeps themselves since they either don't remember how it happened or they were so fit for each other already that they didn't need such bestowing ."

"So , this is one of those normalized paranormal shenanigans again ?"

He leans ahead , both hands cupped inside empty pockets , a smile to share that made her insides flutter , "Yeah , normalized paranormal shenanigans ."

She heaves a breath . Eyes briefly lidded caused the lack of awareness of what was to be wary of ahead . Slamming her face on a tilted board , Izuku himself was shocked yet quick to grab a shoulder along to balance her tip-fall .

"You good ?" She nods , not being able to start backing away and just puts hand on her nose , red and most probably bleeding , her other hand also slammed against what seemed to be the stand of the board , thus also the reason for the numbing that may come soon as a patch of blues and violets .

"Ah , you're bleeding ." He fetched a napkin off of what she thought as his empty pocket , must be an item taken from their past destination . Gently , he held it against where she was bleeding off , her nostrils . It almost went down her lips . Nicely , it didn't .

He wiped it off as gently as how he patted it on . "Man , let's just hope you didn't get your nose all cracked up inside ." Despite how he usually observed personal space , he also had to check whether she was really okay , up-swaying her head by a lenient push of a finger , he advised , "Look up for a bit ."

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