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sinister smile

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Mikey was found walking to the store to buy things for himself, Dorayaki to be exact.

He wanted to ease his mind after what happened days ago. It still sent shivers down his spine whenever he thought about it.

He would sometimes unconsciously touch the side of his face where he felt someone, or something, come in contact with it. 

Listening to the birds chirp and watching the trees dance, Mikey was enjoying his day. He was still cautious though. He kept his senses up and he'd extra jumpy whenever someone mentions the name of his sister, Emma. 

Passing by the cemetery he was at just a few days ago, he saw the (H/C) haired girl walking near the same grave she was staring at the first time they saw each other.

He watched as the girl's (H/C) hair flowed along with the wind. She seemed like she was at peace and relaxed, then a sudden idea popped out of the boy's mind.

He slowly approached the girl from behind and tapped her shoulders. (Y/N) was startled about it that it made her quickly turn around and step back from him.

"Hey chill! It's just me, you know the other boy you met few days ago at the cemetery." Mikey immediately said as he saw the girl's reaction.

He was satisfied and yet worried on how she reacted, the (H/C) haired girl look so shocked but not about how he surprised her but something else.

Her (E/C) eyes scanned through him as if she was curious about his whole being. Her brows were furrowed down and her eyes were narrowed towards him.

Mikey just lets his thought aside and chuckled at the girl's reaction. After a minute, (Y/N) finally composed herself together went back from being, well stoic.

The (H/C) haired girl continued her walk with her unreadable expression and Mikey decided to walk with her since they're both going the same way.

He kept his pace similar to the lady beside him. He kept on glancing at the girl who had her hands behind her and kept her face stoic, just staring in front of her.

His eyes trailed towards her wrist. The red bracelet was still there. 

'It must be special to her.' He thought.

They walked in silence. Mikey didn't know why he stood beside the lady. The silence was definitely not comfortable, it was rather unsettling.

The more he glanced at the lady the more he noticed how her eyes would have a glint of mischievousness on them but it was very subtle.

He knew that the lady was definitely thinking about something since her brows would sometimes meet each other but it'll quickly go back to how it used to be. 

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