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disturbing discovery

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The sound of water hitting the ground echoed through the bathroom walls. It was early in the morning and Mikey decided to shower before he started doing anything else. Besides, he promised his grandfather that he'll be cleaning the shed with him today.

His eyes were closed as he as he felt the warm water hitting his body. His mind started to drift off to the incidents that happened just a few days ago. It was her and her malicious smile flashing in his mind again.

He can feel his body getting goosebumps from the sudden thought. He decided to hum to distract himself from the thought. He can hear his humming echoing through the walls as he scrubbed his head with shampoo.

As he was rinsing off the shampoo, the humming continued. Only this time it wasn't coming from his mouth. His eyes were still closed, afraid of getting soap in his eyes but at the same time afraid of seeing what was creating the sound.

His hands slowly traveled to his mouth just to feel it not moving yet the sound continued to echo through the walls.

He slowly opened his eyes looking at the shower head only to see crimson red blood coming out of it. His eyes traveled to the closed shower curtain and his eyes widened when he saw a silhouette of a woman standing on the other side. Exactly where the humming was coming from.

The blood he saw dripping out of the shower head reminded him of the time a man got stabbed with a metal rod right in the neck. It was flashing in his mind again and his breathing started to get heavy.

He started to panic as he rubbed his eyes. He opened them once again only to see the normal shower and the shadow gone. He begins to steady his breathing as he forced himself to finish showering.

He stood in front the blurry mirror brushing his teeth his breath still a bit heavy from what occurred earlier.

He bent down to spit of the toothpaste in his mouth. He stood back up only to see the construction worker standing behind him in his reflection with the metal rod still stuck in his neck.

He blinked a few times the grip on his toothbrush tightening. The man did disappear after his nonstop blinking but it was changed with a message written on the moist mirror.

'Above You'

He refused to look above him but a force seemed to lead his head upwards. He slowly trailed his head to the ceiling only to be met with nothing there.

He looked back at his reflection in the mirror before wiping the moist off with his hands and quickly made his way out before anything else happens.

𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 // Manjiro S.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن