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bewitched being

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As the clouds darken, the wind blew toward their direction. As if it was on que, his body began to function again, he can feel both his hands and feet again. 

The reality finally sinking in, he quickly ran towards the opposite way to avoid the girl. Not stopping he glanced besides him and he saw the (H/C) haired girl chasing after him with an axe in her dominant hand.

"What's wrong, Manjiro? Why are you running? I thought you wanted to talk to me?" Hearing her voice only made Mikey even more terrified. She even knew his first name which he never told the girl.

Mikey was trying to find the exit but he failed, the boy was like stuck in a never ending loop. Stopping on his tracks he faced the girl tried to face her. 

As the (H/C) haired girl comes closer and closer to the blonde, she suddenly disappeared which alarmed the boy.  

Roaming his eyes around he suddenly felt someone behind him, thanks to his quick reflexes he was able to dodge the axe that was supposed to hit his head and it landed on the floor beside him.

He continued to run. He felt himself slowly grow exhausted he can feel his legs go heavy. He was panting and sweating so much despite the cold weather.

He turned back only to see the girl with the axe back in her hand and a smirk gracing her evil features.

Mikey never hit a girl once and swore that he will never hit a girl, but this is another case. He might lose his life if he let her hit him.

Fighting back the girl, he swiftly dodged her attacks. There were close ones but both of them never got the chance to hit each other.

"Fine let's do this the hard way." (Y/N) said as her eyes grew darker. She gave him a smile before she rushed towards him with the axe held tightly in her hands.

Mikey's eyes widened when she saw her speeding towards him. She started to swing her axe, attacking the blonde. Mikey tried his best to dodge it but he felt so exhausted that he just feels his legs give up.

He was about to get hit by the cold metal but he suddenly fell into a hole when he stepped back trying to avoid getting killed by the psychopath.

He looks up only to see the (H/C) haired lady looking down at him while laughing. "You fell for it, literally."

He looked down at where he stood. His hands began to shake as he saw a familiar dead body lying beside his feet. It was the construction worker he just witnessed dying a few days ago. He was in a dug up grave and it made him panic even more.

"That's a new body right there." The girl said using her axe to point at the corpse. "I watched their burial just a few days ago. You watched him die a few ago too, right?"

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