3: An escape from Prison

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Before Chapter 4 and 2

ACPD County Prison

A purple truck had pulled over in the car park. Out came someone, who looks like he was a kid. He went to the back and used his meteor powers to rip the vent door open and crawl through to Mayor Humdinger's cell.

The teenager kicked down another vent door, leading to Mayor Humdinger's cell. The guards spotted him, but were launched into cell bars. The teen then used his powers to blast Mayor Humdinger's cell gates to the guards.

Harold: I'm getting you out of this dump. 

Mayor Humdinger: But what about my kitties?

Harold: They're in the truck. Now let's go.

The guards had chased the humdingers down, to the yard, where Harold held them off until Mayor Humdinger got through to the gates and into the Mayor mobile.

Guard: STOP THEM!!!

The remaining officers fired their guns at the truck, but it deflected the shots (like the famous UNO reverse card) and the guards were killed. Mayor Humdinger escaped.

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