Chapter 1

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Sitting on a wooden bench in my LA home, I clipped on my heels, then rose to my feet. Where was Garrett? I called out his name. "Garrett?" When I didn't get a reply, I tried again. After all, I hadn't seen him all morning and I wasn't about to leave without saying goodbye.

"Yes?" he said, coming around the corner, pulling a hoodie over his bare chest.

"Where were you?" I asked, putting my sweater on.

"Uh... in the living room..." he played it cool, but it wasn't exactly the answer I was looking for.

"I mean like yesterday... last night."

"Oh!" he exclaimed.

"Yes." I said patiently. I almost screamed at him to stop trying to make up a lie on the spot. Or to at least be better at concealing it, because right now it was written all over his one raised eyebrow, eyes shot up looking at the ceiling and mouth hanging open like a fish. He finally spoke, and his voice was so shaky and nervous I actually kind of felt bad for him.

"I just went out with the guys... had some man time, you know? I love you, but sometimes I need to get out. You understand, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, sure." Even though I could see right through his lie, I played along. "So who were you with? 'Cause your brother actually called for you..." Of course, Hunter hadn't actually called, but I just wanted to see what he would say.

He stuttered, searching for words. "No one you know."

"Oh! Well then who? What's his name? I thought I knew all your friends!" I knew I sounded like a dumb blonde, and he knew I was doing it on purpose.

"Um... Mitch."

"Like my dad?" My dad's name was Mitch.

He swallowed. "No Jade. I said it was no one you knew, didn't I?!" he said protectively.

"Oh, that's right. Well I hope it was worth it, because I stayed up all night waiting for you. And called you twice. But you were no where to be seen. So thanks for that."

He ignored my sarcasm and walked up to me, putting a strand of hair behind my ear. I just crossed my arms and stared at him. Then his dull pink lips parted and the smell of coffee made its way over as he kissed me. I kissed him back, somewhat reluctantly, and he pulled away.

I sighed, realizing I would never get a real answer. "But Garrett."

"But Jade."

"I'm serious," I said, pushing him back, away from me.

"Wow, someone's in a bad mood."

"I'm not in a bad mood! I'm just wor- ....curious.... wondering." Suspicious, I added in my mind.

He gave a little chuckle. "It's not a big deal, babe."

"Um, excuse me? Not a big deal? I'm your girlfriend! I was up until 2 AM watching Grey's Anatomy and General Hospital while the cat crawled all over me and a bunch a stupid car alarms went off."

He stared at me as if I was speaking another language.

"Fine, whatever." I grabbed my purse off the bench and flew through the door to my car.

I opened the door of my Toyota, and slipped onto the black leather seats. Unfortunately, Garrett got to the car just as I started the engine.

"Jade! Wait!"

I rolled the window down.

"What do you want?" I moaned, angry and annoyed.

"What time will you be home?"

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