Chapter 3

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"What was that?" I demanded, stopping in my tracks and whipping around to face Cat.

For a quick moment, she looked regretful. Ashamed, even. A very quick moment. Then she went totally Linda Blaire on me.

"What was that?!?! That was me getting annoyed and frustrated! I don't want you flirting with him or even.... befriending him!!! He is no good, Jade! He will just break you!"

I was mad. Steaming, in fact. And Cat knew it. She could tell by the look that never left my face. And yet, she held her ground. A brave one, she was today.

"Um, if I remember correctly, didn't YOU call it off? Didn't YOU break HIM?" I asked, crossing my arms.

She stood there, dumb founded.

"I... I had a good reason!" she stuttered. "Anyways that's not the point!! The point is I don't want you with him!"

"I don't want me with him either!!! Why are freaking out?!"


"Oh yeah! Garrett owns me, does he? What the hell was that about?" I interrupted.

"Well it sure seems like he does!"

"Are you on crack, or do you want me to push you in front of a bus?"

She started to mock me. "I'm Jade, I'm dating Garrett and have been for several years, but I'm gonna get my best friend's ex-boyfriend to fall for me over coffee!"

"You're impossible!" I screamed.

"I'm sorry!!!!"

So bipolar. I sighed, and stormed away from her.

"SORRY!!!!" She screamed after me.

My phone buzzed with a call from Garrett. Too upset to talk to anyone (especially him) I let it ring. And then I turned my phone off.

5 hours later

So. I thought to myself. Are you still going to Vega's house? .... Probably better not to. Cat will be there and do you really need to deal with more of her dramatics? Plus.... it's TORI. But then again, Garrett isn't here. Surprise surprise, right? So you want to stay here alone all night, because, let's face it, he probably won't come home. Ugh. Maybe I should just listen to music or something.

Having made my decision, I turned my phone on and took a double take. 37 missed calls and 16 new text messages? I checked the calls first. 6 of them were from Garrett, 15 from his parents, and the rest were from various friends of ours. I proceeded to open the messages. The most recent - no, another one just came in - said: JADE. Where are you?! Check your messages!!!!

The next 14 read something similar. The last one almost gave me a heart attack.

Jade!!!! Garrett got in a car wreck and he's in the hospital!!! GET DOWN HERE!!!! Room 357!!!!

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