Chapter 5

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"It's my fault. Oh my God."

One of the doctors put his hand on my shoulder and I slapped it away. "Honey, it's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault. Garrett was on the phone while driving, and he shouldn't have been."

"Oh, so now it's Garrett's fault?"


"The other car didn't have its blinker on!"

"But Garrett also wasn't focused on the road."

"Get out, asshole."

The doctor looked shocked, but he exited the room.

His side-kick stared at me.

"You look like a raper when you look at me like that."

"I apologize."

"You're creepy as fuck."

"That was hurtful."

"Do I look like I care?"


"What a coincidence. I don't look like I care, and I don't care! Funny how that works."

"Your sarcasm is not appreciated."

"I never asked you to appreciate it."

Defeated, he left the room, just as I got a text.

Hi. This is Beck. You know, the guy that knocked you down at the movie set? :)

It took me a second, but I remembered literally falling for him.

Hey. Yes, are you referring to the throbbing pain in my ankle? How could I forget?

I'm still really sorry about that :(

It's ok. I'm at the hospital.

It landed you in the hospital?!?! Oh my god, I'm so sorry.

.......What? And then it clicked.

Oh. No no no, I'm not a patient. My boyfriend got in a car accident and he's in a coma.

Oh. I'm sorry.

Damn. You say sorry A LOT.



Okay, really. Can I come down?

What for?

I don't know. To get to know you. And have coffee. Or keep you company, whatever you want.

How do you know I'm not with someone else?

Are you?


Exactly :)

Point taken.

So can I come?





I'm kidding. Room 358. Hurry up.

I'll be there in 20.

I sighed happily and put my phone away. Then I looked down at Garrett. Should I feel guilty?

AN: I'm sorry this was so short :( I have 1223975869392 assignments to do before the school year ends. Just two more weeks, and I'm free!

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