I'm Quitting, Sorry!

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Hello everyone, I'm not going to write an individual Discontinued message for each story I'm going to post all the reasons I'm ending right here, and I'm just going to edit the name and post this chapter in the story, I would like to say while I definitely had stories I loved in my writing list, I can't do it anymore.

if you want the exact reason I will post the entire message below this I wrote all of it on my profile page, but for the short end I'm officially quitting being a writer, kinda, I'm taking a fresh start on three entirely new stories and after I finish those I officially quit unless I fix myself and decide to try again, I'm too hard on myself to continue and my mental health has gotten worse since I started writing, please forgive me.

Anyone can adopt any of the stories even "I can't save the world if I'm not happy" and "A remnant of the Future" which was previously the only story I refused to let anyone adopt, if you do adopt them and want more context as to my plans please ask though I may not have much of an answer as I start all my stories as one-off ideas and ever plan too far ahead since all my stories are made to be adopted by someone else if you can't tell I also released all the uncomplete chapters of stories sorry for not finishing but it felt like a waste of time since it leads to this anyway, all my story drafts are going to "Books I gave up on" and I'm releasing slime hero again which may get an update since it was the 3rd story I ever started and the only one I hid after publishing it on this account and the idea goes all the way back to before I even started writing

Now for why I gave up on individual stories because despite most of this being my mental health is worse and I never planned to write full stories I honestly gave up on many of them

We will start with the stories that I don't have a real reason they are just ending because the two points above these are "Soulless Hero: Mercy" and "Horsemen of America", I have a couple of ideas of where to take these stories and how to get there but honestly the Izuku's of these worlds are just way too broken and I can't think of a way to write them without obliterating everyone else and I refuse to write the generic OP Izuku with no substance to it this led me to have trouble writing these stories.

Let's jump straight to the big one "You can't save the world if you're not happy", I can't think of a way to write Izuku without offending someone, I like the idea of Izuku getting into drugs and alcohol after 10 years of torment, mainly because my sisters did a similar thing over shorter periods of torment even I dabbled in underage drinking and drug usage tho nowhere near as much as my sisters because I have a panic attack over interacting with someone I don't know on like a non-buisnuss level like I can interact with store workers but if a person even looks at me while walking down the street I'll get anxious and think they are judging everything about me, it's even worse if I talked to the person when I had an easier time with this and I have had a full-on breakdown in a store over seeing someone I talked to from school, but I'm getting off-topic basically I wrote Izuku too cold and careless that it makes no sense and I can't think of a reason he even cares about being a hero or musician, I wrote a completly broken character who gets along with strangers so well they became friends, it honestly makes no sense so I gave up.

Next up is Wonderland Phobia, honestly, I love this story almost more than "You can't save the world" because of the quirk I love "American Mcgee's Alice" and the idea of training the villains to not use their quirk but I put so little work into it because I can't describe fighting well, which means I can't do 60% of what this story is about and I'm really slow at writing I want to describe every little detail I can of what he's doing so I don't forget something and lead to inconsistencies,

and finally "Remnant of the future" this story is kind of my passion project, I absolutely adore it, but I've put an insane amount of work into it to only have 2 chapters posted I've spent an entire week just thinking about things I could do with this story and not writing a single word, this has been one of the worst things for my mental health I was able to post a chapter a week in the past, with consistent stories and not amazing but decent work as the result, now I can't even write one chapter in 2 months meaning I've gotten worse at something I was already bad at.

The soulless hero: Mercy (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now