🎃Kamaboko Trio/Reader: The Obon Spirit Part 2/2

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"You all... can't see him?"

"It does sound like the footsteps are coming from that area..." Zenitsu cupped his ears. "But I don't see anyone there..." Tanjiro's eyebrows curled upwards in confusion and he turned back to point at the source once more.

"But he's right- ah... He vanished."

"Are you feeling okay, Gonpachiro? Have a shiny acorn I found."

"Uh. thanks..."

"I'll check you for a fever when we get home, okay, Tanjiro?" He looked distressed by your words.

"Uh?! But I really saw someone though! He looked... just like my..." He trailed off and puzzled the ground beneath him. "That does sound crazy if I say it..."

"Maybe you saw a spirit." You said optimistically, trying to brighten his mood. "That has been known to happen this time of year. Lets keep heading towards the other entrance and maybe we'll see him again." Zenitsu let out a whimper from behind you.

"Do we have to? We can go back to the festival instead right? I'll win you a plush toy, F/N-chan. I promise! One of the great big ones!" You gently snickered at his offer before pulling him along by the hand.

"Pff. Come on, Zenitsu."

As you pressed on you noticed more clusters of decorated graves, fresher flowers and little ornamental keepsakes, which meant you must've been getting close to your destination.

"Shouldn't be much farther now." You informed them.

"Hey..." Inosuke halted his movement and took in his surroundings. "Why are there mirrors by some of the graves?" Tanjiro lifted a finger, excited to share something he knew, as he wasn't used to being the intellectual one on any given topic unless it had to do with coal or homesteading.

"Urokodaki told me demons cant follow spirits through mirrors. So it's a safe place for them." Zenitsu's eyes became wide as saucepans at that.

"Do you mean to tell me demons are gonna be a problem for me even AFTER I die?!"

"Not if you use the mirrors apparently." You chuckled at the blonde's mortified face.

"I thought that mirrors were meant to trap the deceased at the gravesite where they belong, so they don't wander around..." He mumbled grumpily in response, earning a burning question from Inosuke.

"...What if it breaks?"

"Don't even think about it."

"Huh? That's odd..." Tanjiro had stopped in front of a full-length mirror leaning between a headstone and a tree.

"What's odd?" You asked.

"Why... is this mirror empty?"

"What are you talking about, Tanjiro?"

You observed as he reached out his hand through the frame, only to bump his fist on the glass.

"Ah? What the..." He waved his hand in front of it and you approached, stepping up behind him. Peering over Tanjiro's shoulder you balked in the face of what you saw. Though your hand was resting on his arm the mirror's image showed no trace of the boy in front of you. Your hand simply hung in mid air, sense of touch and sight conflicting.

"Uh... guys?" You called to the other two with a wavering voice. "There's something wrong with this mirror."

Inosuke was the first to come investigate. He took off his mask behind Tanjiro, waved a hand in front of the reflective surface, then leaned far over to stare blankly at the back of it.

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