Chapter 1: Soulmates and entrance exams

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Izuku was not ready for today; he was nervous his dad and papa were trying to make him feel better. "Come on baby bird, you get to get your soul mark today." Keigo better known as Hawks says to the fourteen-year-old.
    "Papa, what if I don't get one?" He said panicking, puffing up his Emerald and sapphire wings. 
  "Flame you'll get one," The gruff voice of his father says through the phone. 
   "Yeah, baby bird, so go to school,and when you get your mark, call us," Hawks tells the small teen.
   "Okay love you dad and papa see you when I get back." Izuku says as he tucks in his wings and walks out of the door. 
   Izuku waited for his friends Katsuki Bakugou and shouta Aizawa. Izuku might have the slightest crush on Aizawa, but he would not tell that to him. Halfway to school he ran into Aizawa,"Morning Shochan, how was your night." Izuku asked his tired looking friend. 
   "It is too early for you to be so cheery," Aizawa grumbled as he took a sip out of his travel mug of coffee. 
  Izuku giggled at his friend's antics as they continued their walk to school. When they got to the gates of the middle school Bakugou was waiting for them, his soulmate mark displayed proudly. It was an explosion with a balck and teal paw print in front of it. "Morning Kacchan I see you got your mark." Izuku says cheerfully. 
   Bakugou nods,"Phoenix have you gotten your mark yet, and hey hobo."He said to his two friends. 
  Aizawa glared at Bakugou,"Kat I am not a hobo you pomeranian!" He said activating his quirk trying to spook Bakugo. 
    "Calm down you two, and no Kacchan I haven't not, yet. Shocchan have you gotten your Soul mark yet?" Izuku asked after breaking up, his two friends. 
    "Yeah I have it on my back. It is quite big." He deadpanned.
    Izuku snickered at his friend as he grabbed both of them and walked into the school. They were gonna be late if they didn't hurry up And get to class. When the trio made it into the classroom everyone was talking or chatting with friends. The trio went to their seats and sat down. The bell for classes to start rang, it took a few seconds for everyone to quiet down, the teacher then walked into the classroom holding forms of some sort.''I would hand out the aspirations tests but i know you all wanna be heroes." He said as he threw the papers in the air. 
    "Yeah my friends, I will be going for U.A.," Bakugou declared as he stood up. 
  "You think you are better than us Bakugou. " one of the students cried out. 
    "Yeah me and phoenix and Hobo have gotten the best scores on our mock exams and battles. The only school that is good enough for us is UA!"He stood up on the chair of his desk letting out a few explosions.
     Aizawa stood up and glared at Bakugou and activated his quirk,"I am not a hobo you pomeranian and no quirk usage at school, you could get in trouble. We are also not better than anyone else." He said still glaring at his friend 
    "Okay everyone calm down, we still have class today so please everyone back into your seats and Aizawa and Bakugou no quirk usage." The teacher said as he got the class back onto task.
    The school day was like any another, the same boring classes until lunch time. Izuku and his friends went to the lunch room they pulled out their prepared bento boxes, they sat at a table at the front of the cafeteria. As soon as the boys were about to sit down Izuku was then engulfed in a sapphire and Emerald light that resembled his wings. Izuku groaned, "Izuku you just got your Soul mark lets go see what it looks like and where it is." Aizawa said as he pulled Izuku out of his seat Bakugou followed them to the locker room. 
    "Lets first check your arms" Bakugou said
     "Okay Kacchan let's see what this mark looks like." Izuku said pulling off his jacket wings tucked in now positioned in a way that he could get the jacket and shirt off. 
  When his shirt and jacket were off they looked at his arms and nothing was there,nothing on his chest," Wonder where it is." Aizawa mumbled
  Izuku puffed out his wings and Aizawa caught a glimpse of something under where the wings laid on his back."Izuku, turn your back towards us so we can look under your wings. When you fluffed them up just know I saw something." He told his winged friend. 
  "Yeah Sho." Izuku said as he turned around so Aizawa and Bakugou could look at his back. 
   Bakugou gently moved one of the big wings out of the way,when they saw the mark on his back, Aizawa gasped because it looked just like his,"Is it there and what does look like, Sho are you okay I heard you gasp." Izuku rambled to his two friends. 
   "I am okay, Izuku, it 's just your mark is beautiful, here I will take a photo of it for you." Aizawa said as he took a photo of the beautiful mark that resembles his own mark. 
  Aizawa handed his phone to Izuku to see it, Izuku grabbed the phone from his friend's hand and pulled it front of his, he could see where his wings are attached just under that was a mark that took up the most of his back, it has an Emerald and sapphire phoenix it's wings spread out wide as if it was just about to become airborne. In front of the phoenix was a black cat that resembled a panther. It had a type of scarf wrapped around it it's eyes glowing a ruby color. "Wow, it is so pretty I have never seen a mark like this before. Sho and kacchan, what do you think?" Izuku asked his friends who were still looking at his mark.
    "It looks like mine.''Aizawa whispered almost inaudibly, Bakugou was able to hear it since he was so close to Aizawa. 
  "What was that you just said? Shouta let me see your mark. I wanna see what yours looks like." Bakugoh said with a devilish grin 
   Aizawa hid behind his bangs, "Uhm, I I said that his mark looks like mine!" Shouta shouted with a blush appearing across his face. 
   "Sho, now I gotta see it please. I wanna know if we are soulmates, so please." Izuku begged his friend.
    "Okay you can see it." Aizawa said quietly as a blush spread across his face. 
  Aizawa quickly took off the uniform top and turned his back to his friends so they could see it. Izuku looked at Aizawa's mark so tempted to touch it and make the bond. "Wow it really is just like Izuku's. Izuku, Shouta, you should make the bond." Bakugou declared to his two friends. 
  "Kacchan, what if nothing happens?" Izuku asked with worry coursing through his voice. 
  "You guys will never know if you don't touch each other's mark." Bakugou said, trying to reassure his winged friend.
  "He's right, you know, let's touch the marks and see what happens." Aizawa added quietly. 
   "Okay let's do it, I will touch your's Sho," Izuku said as he shuffled closer to Aizawa.
  Izuku reaches out and touches Aizawa's back. The room is then enveloped in a Ruby and Emerald light. It took a few minutes for the light to disperse. Once the light was gone you could see the new addition to their mark. There were now feathers flowing across the panther and the scarff was floating. 
   "We are really soulmates!" Izuku shouted very excitedly. He ran right for Aizawa and pulled the shocked teen into a hug.
    "Yeah" Aizawa said, shocked that he was right.
    The bell for lunch to end rang so Izuku And Shouta put back on their tops. Then left the room with Bakugou, they headed back to class, happy Izuku and Aizawa Holding hands as they entered the room.
   The rest of the day went by fast as they sat through the rest of their boring classes. The bell for the end of the day rang. Izuku packed his book bag and put his notebook in it. Shouta went up to Izuku and grabbed him and pulled him out of the classroom. Bakugou followed close behind them. "Hey you two want to go to the arcade with me today?" He asked his two friends.
  "No Kacchan, we are going to my house to train with my dad."  Izuku told his angry friend. 
  "Okay see you extras tomorrow." He said as he left the school. 
   Shouta looked over at Izuku, "So we are going to your house to train with your dad but isn't he on a mission?" He asked Izuku as they walked out of the school and towards Izuku's home. 
   "Yeah but pappa is home so we can train with him." Izuku stated. 
   "What are, we know that we know that we are soulmates, are we together now?" Izuku asked the dark haired boy.
  Shouta looked at Izuku with a blank expression, "I thought that we would be a couple." He told Izulu honestly. 
  "We can be. I would like that truth be told I have a crush on you." Izuku said as they entered an underpass. 
   The boys continued to chat with each other. They weren't paying attention to their surroundings because they take this path all the time. They didn't hear the cover for a storm drain rattle and shift open, as a villain made of sludge jumped out in front of them. The sludge went straight for Izuku knowing if he covered Izuku's wings he wouldn't be able to fly.
  "What perfect body suit for me to use. " the villain barked out in a voice that sounded drowned. 
   Shouta looked at his new boyfriend and soulmate's struggle for air. If this is a transformation type quirk my quirk would disrupt him and transform him back and let Izuku go but if it's not then it won't be able to do anything. Shouta thought he then activated his quirk and he was able to erase it. The villain changed back to a man. Saving Izuku from drowning in sludge.
   Shouta ran towards the villain and knocked him out. Just as he did that All Might shot out of the drain. "All Might!" Shouta said in shock.
     "I will take this from here young man. Sorry for getting you two stuck in my work. Stay safe young man." he said as he was about to leave.
   " Wait All Might Can I get your Autograph for my soulmate over there?" he asked the hero. 
   All Might turned towards the two boys with the villain cuffed in quirk suppressing handcuffs. "Yes you can, young man." He said as he grabbed the notebook out of Shouta's hand and signed it. He then quickly left. 
   "Thank you All Might!!" He shouted.
   He then ran over to Izuku who was just waking up "ugh" he groaned out holding his head slightly.
     "Izu are you okay." Shouta worriedly said to Izuku. 
   "Yes I am fine, the healing factor of my quirk is healing my broken ribs right now, how long was I out sho?" Izuku asked his slightly worried partner. 
   "You were out for almost twenty minutes. You missed meeting All Might. I did get you his autograph for you tho. Here you go." he said as he gave Izuku back his Hero Notebook. 
   Izuku gently took the book from Aizawa and flipped to the page that was for AllMight and saw that half the page had his signature scrawled across it. "Oh you are the best sho, just the best! Thank you so much for getting this for me!" He shouted in pure joy jumping on his taller soulmate squeezing him to death.
   "We should really get going though we are almost an hour late for training. Your mom is going to send half of an army to find us. " Sho said, prying off the over-excited bird boy.
"oh my god you are so right papa's gonna ground me for the rest of my life for being late i promised i wouldn't be late this time oh sho what are we gonna do?" he said, mocking fear and flaring out his wings as he does so. 
  "How about we just go to your house, you drama chicken." Shouta sighed as he pulled Izuku with him to Izuku's house. 
    It took them all of ten minutes to get there where Hawks is waiting in the front yard, worried and anger is expressed on his face as he sees the two teens.
   "Fledgling why are you almost an hour late, hi Shouta.?"Keigo asked his son as the two entered the yard where he was standing. 
   "Hi uncle kie." shouta said emotionlessly like always. 
    "Would you believe me if I said I was Attacked by a villain mamma." izuku asked his papa.
   " No I wouldn't but since you called me mamma it must've happened shouta tell me what happened then we will do a little hand to hand combat training." Hawks told Shouta.
  Shouta then told the story of what happened on their way home. How they met all might, and that he got an autograph for Izuku and how they then headed home after that.
  "Thank you Shouta also why wasn't Izuku looked over by medical professionals." Hawks asked the boy.
  "I don't know there wasn't anyone else there besides us " he saw Izuku was okay and left so when Izuku woke up i made sure he was okay." shouta said. 
 After that the boys went and started to train for the entrance exam. They also told their parents that they are soulmates. They also had a couple dates but most of their time together was spent training with Izuku and his parents. 
   Soon ten months had passed and it was the morning of the UA entrance exams. Izuku was woken up with the knocking on his door and his papa saying, "Wake up fledgling you don't want to be late for the entrance exams do you so let's get up your dad has made you breakfast " keigo said waking him up through the door.
   "I am up papa, I will be down in a minute just putting on my shirt." Izuku said as he struggled getting the back of his shirt shut. 
   When he was dressed he went to the kitchen where breakfast was on the table. "Morning dad, thank you for breakfast." Izuku said as he sat down and started to eat.
  "No problem flame, go kick some ass for me at the entrance exam watch out for your uncle. He also should be there unless he takes your grandfather's recommendation." He told him. 
  "I will dad. I will give it my all and place the highest on the test. Oh i am gonna go know shouta wanted to meet at the train station. I love you papa and dad. See you after the exam, love you guys." Izuku says as he runs out of the front door. 
   Izuku runs all the way to the station where his boyfriend is waiting. "Birdie, what took you so long to get here?" Shouta asked Izuku. 
  "Sorry Sho I lost track of time talking to my dad about the exam though he didn't give me any hints on what it's gonna be." Izuku stated as the train got there and the two hopped on and waited to get off at the UA station. The boys chatted about cats and what the test might be. Soon they were at UA and walking into the school when Izuku suddenly tripped on a stone that was lifted a little bit. 
   "You big Idiot, what if you hurt yourself then you wouldn't be able to compete? '' Shouta grumbled at his clumsy boyfriend but he caught him non the less.
   "Sorry sho I'll pay more attention let's get to the exam " Izuku said as he grabbed Aizawa's hand and pulled him to the auditorium for the explanation of the practical exam they were told that they would be facing three type of robots that each of a different amount of points they are worth. "Excuse me sir the paper says that there are four types of robots but you only talked about three of the four. Is this a mistake? I thought that it would be better. And you with the wings stop mumbling, it's distracting. " one of the examinees said rudely.
  Izuku stood up "If you were paying attention you would know that, present Mic was still explaining and I wasn't bothering anyone. You are causing more of a distraction than my mumbling." Izuku says as he sits back down in his chair.
   Present Mic then finished his speech and scent them on their way. 
    Izuku was in a different testing sight than his friends, he was stretching when he saw a girl who looked to be nervous, he started to head over to reassure the girl when the same guy from the exam came over. "You aren't going to bother her, she looks to be concentrating so don't bother her."The boy said
  Izuku rolled his eyes. He was about to tell the boy that he was going to ask her if she was okay. The gates started to open and, present mic said go. Izuku spread his wings and jumped and flew into the city. Izuku used his fire to melt the robots and he used some of his feathers to heal anyone that was harmed. It didn't take long for Izuku to get a good amount of points. So he flew around the fake city just waiting for someone to need help. Soon the ground started to shake, from where he was in the sky Izuku could see the zero pointer he was gonna fly to the gate when he heard, " Someone please help me I am stuck I need help." 
  Hearing the cry for help he flew to where the scream came from and saw and saw a girl stuck under the rubble. Izuku swoops down and lights the zero pointer on fire, incinerating the zero pointer. "Are you okay, miss,can you get out?" he asked the girl.
  "No, my leg is stuck and it feels like my ankle is sprained." She said,
   Izuku landed and walked over to the rubble and lifted it up off the girl as present Mic called, out end of the exam. Izuku saw, Recovery girl and waved her over,"Recovery girl there is someone injured over here." he shouted out.
  Recovery girl was there in seconds ready to heal the young girl when she was done she handed energy gummies out to the both of them. "Okay you can leave the testing grounds and your letter will come in the mail telling if you made it or not." she told the two, Izuku nodded and left the test sight looking for his boyfriend and bestfriend. 
   "Shouta, how was the exam do you think you passed?" Izuku asked his always tired boyfriend. 
   "My area had a lot of problem people, they just couldn't stay out of danger" He grumbled out from beneath his capture gear, that he had gotten cleared for the exam.
   Izuku's phone then went off, he looked down at it and saw that Bakugou had messaged him. "Sho let's go, Kacchan left already" he said to him. They then left to go home.

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