Chapter 3: Surprise and Date

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It is now the weekend before Izuku's first day at his dream school UA where he will be able to make his dream of becoming a hero true. Izuku was just lazing around his room. He had a novel in his hands that he was reading. He was just about to throw the book across the room for what he had just read, his wings flaring in frustration from what the author wrote.  He sat back down on his bed and opened the book up and started reading again when his phone went off. 
  He sighed as he put his book down and grabbed his phone off the charger and looked at who had messaged him. 
  SleepyKitty🐈: Izu do you wanna go on a date tomorrow at the cat Cafe.  
 Izuku read the text with a smile and replied.
  Firebirdie🐥  yes lets tomorrow at two. Love you♥♥♥
   Izuku hit the send button with a blush on his face as he fell on his bed and rolled around on it with a squeal of happiness he fell to the floor with a loud bang. 
   "Izuku are you okay?" Keigo asked from the living room, in a worried tone.
   "I am okay papa just fell off my bed is all!" Izuku shouted to his papa to show he was okay. 
  Izuku jumped up from the floor and straightened up his feathers and got back up on his bed and grabbed the book he was reading, closed it and went into his closet looking for clothes to wear for tomorrow's date. He looked through all the clothes he had skirts and dresses and jeans and overalls just so much to choose from. So he did the one thing he knew to do. "Papa! I need your help!" He cried out for Keigo, who was just about to leave for patrol. 
  Izuku's call for him had him flying into Izuku's room in worrie. "Baby bird, you need me, what's wrong?" Keigo asked as he landed. 
   "I need help finding an outfit for a date tomorrow." Izuku whined as he sat on the floor. 
  Kiego walked over to his son, "Do you know where you guys are going little bird?" he asked the panicking boy.
  "We are going to the cat cafe down the block from the movie theatre." Izuku said as he stood up and walked back to his closet with his father following behind him. 
   Izuku opened the doors on his closets and stood to the side so Kiego could help him. Keigo looked at all the different styles of clothes he had bought his son and saw a simple blue dress with small paw prints over it he also grabbed a pair of light blue ballet flats and a denim jacket. He then went to Izuku's jewelry box and grabbed out a choker with a cat face on it. "Here you look the best when you wear the things you want without thinking too hard about it." Keigo said, running his hand through Izuku's wings, pulling out some of the feathers that are about to fall out. 
  "Thank you papa, I really appreciate the help even when you are about to leave for work. So thank you again papa I love you and be safe at work please." Izuku said as he set the outfit down on his dresser
Keigo gave his son a hug and left out the window in Izuku's room ,"Papa stop jumping out the windows, you scare the neighbors!" Izuku yelled at Kiego as he leaned out the window. 
   Izuku leaned back into his bedroom with a sigh at the way his papa is. He grabbed his switch and started to play a game, he lost track of time until he heard a knock on his door, "Izuku can i come in?" Izuku heard his dad say threw the door .
   "Yes you can dad." Izuku answered as he opened the door for his dad to come in. "What do you need, dad?" Izuku asked as his dad headed towards his bed and sat down.
 Touya looked at Izuku and grabbed a wrapped box from one of the many pockets on his hero costume. "I got you a gift for getting into UA." he said as he handed the small gift to Izuku.
  Izuku looked at his dad in shock. "Dad, you didn't need to get me anything. I'm just as happy about it as you are." Izuku said as he took the small gift. 
  "Just open it already Izuku, also your father and I have something to tell you when he gets home from work." Touya told Izuku as he waited for his son to open his gift.
  Izuku looks at the box and unties the ribbon on the box and takes off the wrapping paper. Izuku opens the box and sees a beautiful Emerald and Sapphire necklace that was engraved with his name on it. "Dad, it's so pretty, thank you so much. Can I have some help putting it on?" Izuku asked his dad as he pulled the necklace out. 
   Touya looked at his son as he filled his heart. He remembers when Izuku was just getting the beautiful colors to his feathers. "Come here flame, let's get this on you." He said as he grabbed the necklace from Izuku's hands and opened the clamp, then wrapped it around and clamped it onto Izuku's neck."It looks so nice on you." He told Izuku after he put the necklace on him.
  "Thank you so much dad." izuku says as he hugs his dad.
 Touya noods and leaves Izuku's room. Izuku decides that he wants to talk to his boyfriend so he grabs out his phone and calls him.
  "Hello Izuku, what do you wanna talk about?" Aizawa grumbled from the otherside.
  "Sho, did I bother you while you were napping? I'm sorry I can call back when your nap is finished. I know how hard it is for you to sleep." Izuku mumbled out an apology with a blush of embarrassment spreading across his face.
   "No you didn't wake me up. I'm just annoyed at my older sister. She is studying to be a surgeon and she keeps stealing all the fruits to practice her stitches. She took the last banana and I wanted it." He grumbled 
  "How is Inko doing? I haven't seen her in forever." He asked 
  Izuku could hear the grumbling and sigh through the phone. "Why do you wanna talk about my annoying older sister?" He asked Izuku.
 "Because your sister's quirk is so different from yours it's intriguing." he whined.
  "You can gush over her quirk the next time you're over here but let's talk about something else please." He asked Izuku 
  "Fine since you asked so nicely what do you wanna talk about?" Izuku asked him. 
  "Oo i know what my parents are gonna tell me, something tonight at dinner any guess as to what they will be telling me?" Izuku asked him.
  "It must be something important. Maybe they are gonna give you a credit card or something like that." He said in an iffy tone. 
   "I don't know, it seemed more important than them trusting me with money. I already have my own bank account so that can't be it." Izuku siad with a sigh.
  "Maybe they want to see why you keep spending all your money on hero merch." He said teasingly 
    "I dont blow money on hero merch when dad and papa already get me it." Izuku said faking being offended.
   "Oh don't act so offended you know it's what you would spend it on if you could."
   "Hey I would not. Okay maybe I would, heys stop laughing it isn't funny. " Izuku whined as Shouta laughed at him.
  "Oh my I cant breath." Shouta wheezed through the phone "Okay okay Im good." he said after he finally stopped wheezing.
  "You finished now Sho." Izuku grumbled at his soulmate.
 "Yeah yeah I am done." He said.
   The two continued to talk for hours about different things such as what else they would do on their date at the cafe tomorrow. They talked so long that what brought Izuku out was when he heard a knock on his door. "Oh I have to go know Sho, I love you and see you on our date tomorrow.Yeah goodnight sho yep I will see you tomorrow." He said as he hung up the phone and ran to his door.
   "Hello papa! How was work?" Izuku asked as he jumped and gave his papa a hug.
   "It was good know its time for dinner and we have something to tell you." Kiego said as he broke their hug. 
   "Okay papa." Izuku says a little nervous
   Keigo heads to the kitchen and sits down at the dining room table, Izuku comes into the dining room and sat down at the table next to his dad. The Table was set with dinner. 
  "The food looks awesome dad and papa thank you." Izuku said as he grabbed a plate of food.
  They talked about their days and what they will be doing tomorrow. Izuku explained that he was going to be going on a date to the cat cafe and they might see a movie. Tpuya explained that Kiego and him have a doctor's appointment to go. "Dad and papa, why are you going to the doctors are one of you sick?" Izuku asked, worried, filling his voice.
   "No, we aren't sick, but we have something to tell you." his dad said to him. 
  "I'm worried what's wrong?" Izuku asked 
  "How would you feel if we told you that you are going to be a big brother?" Keigo asked him.
  "I would be happy, why are you asking papa?" Izuku asked him curiously.
  "Because You are going to be an older brother, I am Eight weeks pregnant.And tomorrow I'm going to check on the baby bird." Kiego said as he rested his hand on his flat stomach. 
  "I am so happy papa, I can't wait to meet them. " Izuku said as happy tears ran down his face.
 They finished dinner in happy chatter. They then went to the living room. "can we watch a movie?" Izuku asked his parents.
  They nodded their heads and Izuku picked out a hero movie. They watched the movie together with Izuku saying what they should've done instead of what they did.
   When the movie was over they said goodnight and went to bed. Izuku went into his room the happiest he has ever been. He is going to be a big brother and he couldn't wait to tell his friends.he got into his pjs, he laid down on his bed and went to sleep with a smile.
  Izuku woke up in the morning and stood up and stretched out his wings and headed into the bathroom to take a shower he had his clothes that his papa had helped him pick out the day before.
he got undressed and hopped in the shower. It took him only twenty minutes to take his shower. 
 He got out of the shower and dried off and looked at the outfit one last time. A cute light blue dress with pawprints and matching shoes and a denim jacket he put on the choker. He debated if he should put on some makeup but decided not to because it was still early, about 4 hours. 
  "Morning dad and papa, how did you sleep?" He said as he walked into the living room where they were just about to leave for their appointment.
   "Our sleep was good. We are leaving for the appointment. We will be back just after you leave so have fun on your date and be safe, no quirk usage in public." Touya told Izuku as Kiego and him left the house. 
   Izuku nodded his head and shouted a quick love you to his parents as they left. Izuku then walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal and ate it as he scrolled through his herogram, not really paying attention to what was on it. When he finished his breakfast he took his bowl to the sink and rinsed it. He went into the living room and turned on the t.v and turned it to the news so he could watch villain fights and take notes on the heroes who were battling with the villains. He grabbed out one of his notebooks from his school bag. He flipped to a clean page and started to take notes on the hero. Izuku did this until he heard a knock on the door. Izuku stood up, turned off the TV and went to the door. He opened the door and saw Shouta standing there with a smile on his face. "Hey Sho, you look really nice." He said as he walked out of his house.
   "You also look very nice. I love your dress. Let's get to the cat cafe." He said as he took Izuku's hand as they walked to the train station. 
They quietly chat about different things. When it was there turn to get off they grabbed each other's hands and walked out of the station together and to the cat cafe.
  "Hello and welcome to Paws On Cafe. How long will you be staying?" A hostess asked the two. 
   "We'll be staying two hours and would like to have two menus as well." Shouta said as he lead Izuku into the cafe. They had paid for two hours at the cafe with the cats. That meant that after they ateThey would go back to the cat room. There were also the cats that roamed the cafe.
  Izuku and Shouta took a center booth and sat down while a server came around with their menus. "I Can't believe that we have school tomorrow. I am just so excited. What about you Sho?" Izuku asked as he played with one of his feathers 
   "I hope our class isn't filled with people that are full of themselves. We already have that with Kat." Shouta grumbled as he grabbed the menu and looked at the drinks.
  "I wonder what our classes are gonna be like and who our heroics teacher is." Izuku said as he decided on what drink he wanted. 
  "We just have to wait and see. " shouta said as he waved down the server from before.
   "Hello, are you two ready to order?" The server asked politely 
  "Yes ma'am I will have a black coffee." Shouta told her 
   "And I will have peach boba tea and two chocolate cupcakes." Izuku told her.
   "Okay that will be out to you two as soon as possible." the server said as she left.
  "Sho look at that kitty she is coming over to us, she is so pretty." Izuku squealed.
  Shouta looked at the cat that was coming over to them and reached his out to pet the cat 
  "You're right she is cute" Shouta says as he picks up the fluffy brown and white cat.
  "I've never seen a cat with brown fur before, I like it she's pretty."Izuku said as he reached forward to pet the cat that was in shouta's arms.
  "You already said she was pretty, silly bird." Shouta Said as the drinks and snacks arrived at their table.
   "Yeah but she is." Izuku said as he took a drink of his tea 
  "as you have said Izu." Shouta said teasingly. 
   "You want a cupcake Sho?" Izuku asked, handing Shouta one of the cupcakes.
  "Thank you Izu." shouta said as he took the cupcake from Izuku.
 The rest of the date went great. Izuku told Shouta that he was going to be an older brother and that he couldn't wait to meet his younger sibling. They went back to the cat room that was filled with cat toys and places to sit and cuddle a cat as they read a book. They spent the two hours they had playing and laughing at the cats. When their time was up, Shouta was covered in cat hair. Izuku couldn't help but laugh at his boyfriend who looked like he had rolled around in a pile of cat fur.

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