the start of a case

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As we get there Morgan introduces up the the cops out front of the building. After I head in taking in the scene taking mental notes on what I see as Morgan goes through his roleplay of the unsub. Something feels off about the crime seance so I keep looking around till I find something "Morgan,Reid you need to see this" they come down and I open a secret door the small book shelf is full of human eyes. I call hotch and let him know what I found. He tell us to head back to the station to figure out the next step. We all sit in the room the cops gave up and talk about the evidence. " None of the victims are missing there eyes so are we looking at a team or did we miss something?" They all are puzzled then Reid jumps up and calls Garcia. He has her check something then says " they eyes are being switched between the victims" we all were taken a back a bit. Why would the unsub do this. I jump up " Reid come with me to the library I have a hunch about something but I need your reading skills" hotch nods at Reid and we head out. We get to the library and look at some stories that have to do with eyes and fine one really similar to the murders that are going on. We report to hotch the findings and what this may mean. We get back to help hotch give the profile. One of the cops give us a lead to the unsub after hearing the profile. He ends up getting arrested. We head on to the plan back home.

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