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I am........ Arthit Rojnapat.

Prince of Columbia.


I am a Vampire...... 

The first ever born Vampire in the history.

My parents King Aroon and Queen Alia, they are Hybrids. I am more powerful than my parents and maybe any other Vampire present out there. I am 21 year's old, and till date I have killed more Vampire's then I would like to count. My senses are more sharper, my speed is unmatched, maybe because my diet is different than my parents, I can't survive on red meat like them, I have to consume blood to sustain myself, though I can eat red meat on occasions or as a pretence.... infront of others. People of our kingdom believes that I live on a diet of red meat just like my parents.

But.... I never killed anyone to satiate my hunger, I hate to hurt any innocent soul. My father has a bunch of his loyal, trusted people who willingly donate their blood for me. Our Royal Doctors collects the blood in a silver Bowl and deliver it to me. I don't need to eat.... or you can say drink, three times in a day like humans, I just need to consume blood twice in a week. Only few of my father's trustworthy person knows about my dining habits, other than my family. My dad has kept this fact hidden from the people of our kingdom because he dosen't want them to be scared of me....or think of me as a Monster.

But sometimes I think......

Am I not a Monster ?? 

I drink people's blood to stay alive, Am I not capable to harm someone if the situation arises ??

Did I told you that....... I am really one of a kind, though I was born like any other human child, and I was growing like other kids of my age also.... But I stopped aging, after I reached at the age of eighteen. My appearance hasn't changed since then. I don't need to breathe...or inhale oxygen to stay alive, I breaths....only to recognise the smell and taste on my tongue. My skin is impenetrable, my body is solid and cold. I don't need to sleep more than a few minutes in a day, and I barely dreams. I have a special power too, I can mind-link with anyone I choose.

And the most important thing,
I cannot DIE.....

I am immortal..... in a True sense.

I mean other Vampires are immortal too, but they can die.... by being burned in a sacred fire, or kept in a direct contact with sunrays. A Vampire can kill other Vampires too, their own venom is their life source, which gives them strength and immortality but if a Vampire bites another Vampire and infuse enough amount of his own venom into other's body, it turns into a poison for them and they will die a very painful death.

But I am immune from all of these scenarios...... I have fought with many Vampires and got bitten by them on many occasions but their venom didn't even sting to me, I can stay in sunlight for any amount of time I wish...... It never hurts me in any way, I love to stare at the SUN.... I love to challenge his power. 

And I am immune to fire as well, I was always fascinated by it's effect on me.... So I tried to put my finger in the flame of a candle so many times.... But the coldness of my body weaken the flame always and it blows out after some time. Though I believe I can be burned in the raging furnace of sacred fire in the ancient temple of our family. But it can't be testified.... Sadly.


I am very distressed these days......

Since my 21st birthday, I am having a dream..... constantly.... every night.
In a few minutes of sleep I had in these past few nights, I always dreamt about A Boy...... A honey skinned boy, with the most beautiful and innocent smile, his shiny black hair were bouncing over his head as he was running after a small rabbit in a vast green field. The melodious sound of his laughter is still ringing in my ears. I wasn't able to pull out his image from my mind's eye, even for a single minute. The mare thought of him was shaking My heart........ My mind....... My soul.....My whole existence.

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