red string !

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[ what's plan a ? ]

cut the red string off of us two .

[ what's plan b ? ]

don't fuck up plan a .

[ what did u do ? ]

i fell in love .

comin' in after a very long break

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comin' in after a very long break . i now
introduce you to my third (( izuocha )) series .

red string !

in here , they live in a world where at one point
in your life you are  bounded to your special one
by a string of red shade . by a string of fate .

comes in the issue of what if a person do
not wish to be bound with another for life ?
what happens ? can they escape the string
of fate ? well , we'll find out .

as our pair venture the world where you and your
destined one are to spend days on , to either see if
you are worth each other's love , or hatred . 
we'll see just how they fair so on .

  we'll see just how they fair so on

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add - on ( s ) !

i make fanfics now , mainly for practice or just
to appease my mind and it's loud ramblings .
the characters , here in this fic , are sometimes
not going to act like how you expect them to .

the reason being i like it more when i tweak
with them . and their concepts aren't really broken ,
i just fit them in slightly ( maybe not just slight )
altered personalities and stuff for fun .

the characters here and what they've gone thru
are different from what they have at the orig series .
since this is an au . now let me just cri in a hole cuz
i love them here , i might not be able to write
it out well , but hey , i'll try my best <33 .

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