A Bed Of Flowers...

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CHARACTERS: technoblade, tommyinnit and mentions of Phil and Wilbur


Third person POV:

    Tommy and techno sprinted through the woods, Tommy was sobbing as his legs burned from running so far but he knew he couldn't stop as the sound of gun shots had started getting closer. Techno was focused on Tommy trying not to break down as his legs burned as well but he wasn't worried about that, he was purely focused on surviving.

30 minuets ago....

   The house was silent as the family lay resting in their beds when the silence was quickly ruined as a group of thugs broke into the house, they rummaged through everything downstairs and we're about to head upstairs when Phil came running down the stairs asking what happened.

   Phil stopped in his tracks as he saw the group and his heart seemed to stop. He tried to run only to get shot in the chest. He looked down at the wound seeing it bleeding horribly, he knew he wouldn't survive so he forced all his energy into a yell that said "TECHNO, WILBUR, TOMMY RUN, RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK!"

   the group had not expected the outburst leaving them speechless giving all the kids enough time to get out however this did not go as planned. Techno ran to Tommy's room and grabbed Tommy heading to Wilbur but seeing him out of his room, the distraught Wilbur yelled "TECHNO TAKE TOMMY AND RUN, IM GOING TO HELP DAD."

   Techno knew that Phil was already dead and so did Wilbur but he knew Wilbur wanted to go down with him. Wilbur couldn't live without his dad so Techno made the decision to not try and convince Wilbur as it would only end up in them all dead. Techno whispered a small "I love you Will" and he got a warm goodbye smile in return.

   Techno ran out of the house dragging the now sobbing Tommy, the were halfway down the street when Techno and Tommy heard another gunshot making Techno's heart ache more than it even had before knowing what had happened, Wilbur was gone. Tommy cried louder as they made their way to a forest near their house.

   Techno fought back tears knowing he had to be strong for Tommy's sake but that train of thoughts was shattered hearing the voices of several people from the gang behind them that were slowly getting louder. "TECHNO ARE WE GONNA DIE LIKE DAD *HIC* I DON'T WANNA DIE!" Tommy let out in-between sobs. Techno ingored the boy as he knew the answer already but he had to at least try.

   Techno mustard all the strength he'd ever had picking up Tommy as he started sprinting faster, they made it to a field full of different types of flowers when techno heard a loud BANG, Techno immediately stopped in his tracks afraid more than he ever had been as he felt Tommy's head hit his shoulder followed by a stream of blood.

  Techno let out a sob and he pulled Tommy's body of his back and into his arms cratling it and then his walls broke, he let out a heart renching scream as his gripped Tommy's body so hard his knuckles went white. He continued to sob uncontrollably as he rocked back and fourth with the boy's body now starting to become cold in his arms when he heard footsteps behind him, he knew who they were from but he didn't budge because he already excepted the fate he had..

   Techno was waiting for the shot but it never came. He turned around seeing the faces of the men for the first time, he wondered why they weren't shooting him but then the one in front said to him "awwww look at you trembling holding that poor weak little boy.." the group started laughing but little did they know they just unlocked an emotion in the boy that he'd never felt before, bloodlust.

   Techno didn't think as he pulled out a pocket knife that he had on him after grabbing it on their way out. He let out a growl followed by a scream of anger and pain as he rushed to the man who had said that and stabbed him in the chest. The man let out a loud yell for help and for his teammates to shot Techno. Techno felt satisfied when he felt a sharp pain in his side.

   The man Infront of him dropped to the ground as blood poured out of the stab wound in his chest. Techno put a hand on his side lifting his hand back up to see his hand was no longer tan but it was a deep red, coating in his own blood. The bloodlust drained out of him just as quickly as it had came and was replaced by relief and happieness. His knees buckled and he fell to the ground as well. He used the last of his energy to drag himself over to Tommy's body using his arms, Tommy no longer had any trace of life in him but Techno didn't care as he laid down next to him entertwining their hands together.

   The dandelions around him we're soon dyed red as the blood seeped from his wound, it didn't hurt him though, he just felt pure bliss. He let small tears slowly stream down his face as he turned to face Tommy's body which was now as cold as the air around them. His vision started to black out but he didn't care, he would keep his eyes open long enough to hold his kid brother for the last time, even if it was just a corpse. He scooted over and gave Tommy's body a hug. Techno closed his eyes letting his final words fall out of his mouth, they were simple but meaningful he had every said. "I'll be with you soon guys..."
He drifted off to sleep and just like that. The whole family had died to the hands of the group.

..........All Techno saw was a blinding white light as he continuously looked around searching for something, but he didn't know what that something was. he felt arms rap around him, he turned his head quickly to be met with Tommy hugging him with a bright smile on his face. Behind Tommy Wilbur and Phil stood smiling, Phil walked up to the boys and joined the hug, Techno silently cried and Phil just simply said

"Welcome home Techno...."

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