You betrayyyed me

6 2 4

A/N: This gonna reveal kinda where I am but I don't care right now

Me: *Finds out Comic Con Africa is a thing*

Me: *googles it and finds out its across the country*

Me: *googling* When is Comic Con Africa 2021?

Google: 2 October

Today's Date: 22 October 2021

Me: *messaging brother* Why didn't you tell me Comic Con Africa was a thing?!

Brother: Because it's not in -------. And because the chance of actually going is 0%. I think it's in Joburg or capetown.

Me: *betrayal* You still could've told me!

5 minutes later~

Me: *mourning my loss and scrolling through pictures of it on Google*

Google: Comic Con Africa 2022 22-25 September

Me: *sadness*

Friend Group Chat

Me: We have to go one day.

A/N- I would continue but they haven't read it yet.... Anyway imma go be sad.

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