"You look like a boy"

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Okay so for context I am agender but biologically I am female and my mother is homophobic so she doesn't know I'm agender.

So we went shopping for clothes for me because I've gotten a holiday job and my clothes Don't look professional and I need to look nicer. But I've also just gotten a haircut so my hair is now really short okay and I am not feminine in the least the idea of having to wear a dress or skirt genuinely makes me want to cry I do not feel comfortable at all so I wear more masculine clothes most of the time. So I was trying on this long sleeve button up denim looking shirt and it was a bit big and my mom takes one look at me, fiddles with my hair and says to me, ' You're looking like a boy' and I had to stop myself from smiling and laughing because yes. And when I washed my hair and was drying it I was kinda like leaning over and only saw a little bit of my hair and that made my heart so happy and I have no idea why but yeah that's my story

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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